Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Thursday, March 24, 2011

To the Editor:

I am writing in regard to the local golf course. The city has done a very good job of considering this matter and I would like to say that your plan to acquire and provide our community with a "municipal golf course" is a very good one. I have never seen voluntary contributions of funds to a project like this before.

The course in the future will be one of the city's best assets in many ways like Gunn Park.

It is so beautiful that it will not be an ordinary course, but one that will be a drawing card for the area.

As a municipal facility, you will find more involvement and ways to use it.

For example, as a municipal facility, there may be those who would be interested through private donations to refurbish the tennis courts for use by the schools and general public. Also, during the summer months there could be high school youth groups that would take on the responsibility of maintaining fairways, etc.

The course is a very valuable piece of property and anyone who doubts that only needs to ride around it once.

The beautiful trees, wildlife and landscape are something to see. In fact, all of our citizens should see it. So I am all for the "Fort Scott Municipal Golf Course." By the way, I am not a golfer, also, I am a taxpayer.

Gene DuVall

Fort Scott