Letter to the Editor
To the Editor:
Fort Scott residents in recent months have had an increase in their utilities and we can look to increases in our insurance and medical costs, as well as continued increases in gasoline and a predicted increase of 13-15 percent in groceries, plus the annual increase in property taxes.
Therefore, I don't believe this is the time for a tax increase for the people of Fort Scott. Many residents are seniors on fixed income and an additional tax is just another burden they do not need.
A new swimming pool and an extension of Buck Run Community Center will not entice new residents to the city.
New industry and new retail jobs will, and when that happens, maybe a tax increase would be more appealing. It could possibly encourage our young graduates to remain and work in the area, which would lead to a broader tax base.
For information only, city taxes of neighboring cities: Pittsburg as of April 1, 8.5 percent; Iola, 8.3 percent; Parsons, 8.55 percent; Chanute, 8.3 percent; and Nevada, 7.7 1/4.
William Russell
Fort Scott