Daughters of the Nile meet

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Feb. 28 meeting of the Daughters of the Nile was held at the Scottish Rite Temple prior to the Potentate and Divan's visit.

A report was heard from the Officer Nominating Committee chaired by Clara Schwartz. Nominated were Nancy Ayers, president; Pam Lyons, vice president; Joyce Gobl, secretary and Jackie Warren, treasurer.

Jackie Warren reported she and Allen delivered quilts, hospital gowns and other items to the St. Louis Shriners Hospital on Feb. 18. These items were made by the Wednesday Sewing Ladies at Mirza Temple, Pittsburg. Jackie and Allen enjoyed their tour of the hospital.

Plans are being made for the April meeting, which will be a banquet and auction of baked and gift items. The officers for the coming year will be installed at this time. Other Daughters of the Nile clubs will be invited.

Bernita Hill and Ruth Farmer will host the March meeting.

-- Submitted by

Jackie Warren