Kid's Fair set for Feb. 3 and 22

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Nevada, Mo. -- A Kid's Fair is coming to the Vernon County Health Department Feb. 3 and 22, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., according to a press release from the Vernon County Health Department.

A variety of agencies, organizations and programs will be available with helpful information and free give-a-ways all about the kids. Sign-ups will be available for WIC, Head Start, PAT, and the ACHE Dental Clinic. Other exhibitors that plan to attend the event include Nevada Regional Medical Center, MO Health Net for Kids, the University Extension Office, and more.

Parents As Teachers will be providing free developmental screenings on a first come, first served basis for children between ages 6 months to 35 months.

Also, those interested in being part of the Kid's Fair and having a booth set up may call the WIC office at (417) 667-8447.

The event is sponsored by Vernon County Health Department and Parents As Teachers.