Local musicians getting ready for community concerts

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Ralph Carlson and James 'Red' Stradley perform at the Veterans Day ceremony here.(File Photo)

Based on the popularity of the weekly summer concert series sponsored by the Fort Scott Area Chamber of Commerce Downtown Division, a new event for area music lovers is taking shape.

Local musician and event organizer Ralph Carlson said a Community Concert is tentatively scheduled to take place from 7 to 8 p.m. Friday, Jan. 28, in the Round Room at Fort Scott Community College, 2108 S. Horton. The concert is scheduled to include performances by two local duos, the Tuckers and Fuss and Feathers. Like the summer series, the show is free of charge and open to the public.

Carlson said many attendees of the annual summer concert series -- which typically runs from June to September at the Heritage Park Pavilion near the corner of First and Main streets -- had asked him about organizing shows for the other months of the year, so he decided to try planning a monthly winter concert series that may run into the spring months.

"So many people asked me to do something, so I just decided to try," he said.

The shows are expected to feature familiar local artists who also perform during the popular summer concert series.

Carolyn Tucker said she and her husband, Jim, first met at a church concert and were later married in 1980. A gospel music ministry in diverse venues has always been a part of their lives together. Jim, the son of a preacher, has been singing sacred music since childhood. Carolyn's piano study began at age 9 and, according to her father, was "the best investment he ever made."

The Tuckers have been performing for three decades and continue to be faithful to their gospel music roots. Carolyn said their songs have a "simple message that cuts through the complicated problems we face and emphasizes that God is bigger than any problem." The program will consist of a variety of vocal and instrumental, southern and country stylings.

The Round Room at FSCC will provide an intimate and comfortable setting for a concert on a cold, wintry night, Carolyn added.

Fuss and Feathers is a musical duo that consists of Carlson on vocals and guitar, and James "Red" Stradley who sings and also plays harmonica and fiddle. The pair perform a variety of musical genres and have entertained crowds at various community functions for many years.

Carlson said the summer concert series started in 2007, and since that time, many of the regular performers have become a close-knit group who also occasionally continue to play after the shows in jam sessions.

"It's almost become like a society, or social event," he said. "They love to come and visit each other. They're all friends with each other ... Some of them even come ahead of the showtime."

Carlson added he is grateful for the efforts of many of the performers and other volunteers who have helped organize and promote the concerts over the years.

"It's gratifying to see it's so well supported and so well enjoyed," he said. "It's neat. I have lots of good help from regular performers who volunteer their time to help out."

The summer concert series averages about 100-150 people at each show, with the largest attendance being about 350 people. Carlson said he anticipates a good turnout at the Jan. 28 show.

The next scheduled Community Concert is Feb. 18.