Schools plan variety of Red Ribbon Week activities

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

By Jason E. Silvers

The Fort Scott Tribune

Several local schools have a variety of activities planned next week to help educate students about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and violence.

Schools and communities across the United States will celebrate Red Ribbon Week Oct. 23-31 with various events and activities throughout the week. The prevention awareness campaign is observed annually in October in the U.S. The national theme for this year's campaign is "I Am Drug Free." Americans are encouraged to wear red ribbons during the last week in October to demonstrate their ardent opposition to drugs.

The celebration is also designed to encourage prevention, early intervention and treatment services.

At Eugene Ware Elementary School, each day of the week will feature a different theme related to the campaign. Staff and students will wear different attire throughout the week as a symbol of being drug-free.

The school will also conduct a special assembly at 1:45 p.m. Monday featuring a group of performers called The NED Show, who, according to information from the school, teach students how to develop three valuable characteristics involved in becoming champions at school and in life -- Never give up, Encourage others, and Do your best.

The NED Show, experienced by nearly 2 million kids each year worldwide, combines the use of yo-yos, humor and audience participation to teach its message.

The program is also scheduled to be presented next week at Winfield Scott Elementary School.

At Fort Scott Middle School, staff will share facts about teenage drinking and drug use with students throughout the week in order to create "heightened awareness" among students at the school. Staff will also discuss healthier options available for students and how to report any use of alcohol and drugs by their friends. Staff and students will also dress in red one day next week in observance of Red Ribbon Week.

Pechone Stepps, a USD 234 teacher and coach paralyzed when he was struck by a drunk driver in 2002, will speak about his experiences to FSMS students during a special assembly next week.

In USD 235, the Uniontown High School National Honor Society group will sponsor various events throughout the week. Club members will hand out red ribbons to UHS students and West Bourbon Elementary School students before school on Monday.

After school that day, members will hand out suckers featuring sayings such as "Say no to drugs." U-235 staff and students will also wear clothing on specific days as a symbol of being drug-free. The UHS cafeteria will observe "red" food day on Thursday by serving chili and red Jell-O.

The Kansas Family Partnership and the Kansas Red Ribbon State Planning Committee are inviting all Kansans to take a visible stand against drugs by celebrating Red Ribbon Week.

"Red Ribbon Week is an awareness campaign to encourage both youth and adults to take a stand against substance abuse," Kansas Red Ribbon State Coordinator Maria Torrez Anderson said in a news release. "The campaign raises the awareness of the problems related to drugs facing our communities and encourages entire communities to adopt healthy, drug-free lifestyles. It is the opportunity not only for students, but parents, educators, business owners, law enforcement and other community organizations to work together."

This year is the 25th anniversary of the Red Ribbon campaign. In 1985, Drug Enforcement Administration Special Agent Enrique S. "Kiki" Camarena was kidnapped, tortured and killed by drug traffickers while working in Mexico.

After his death, family and friends wanted to honor Camarena in his hometown of Calexico, Calif., so they began wearing red ribbons in his memory and as a symbol of intolerance toward the use of drugs.

Congress established Red Ribbon Week in 1988 during President Ronald Reagan's administration. According to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, about 80 million people participate in Red Ribbon events each year.

Kansas Family Partnership, which oversees the Red Ribbon campaign in Kansas, is a statewide agency focusing on substance abuse prevention education, youth training and provides free materials to all Kansans.

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