Mercy to host Mammography Marathon Oct. 21

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Mercy Health Center will host a 24-hour Mammogram Marathon on Thursday, Oct. 21.

The startling fact is that more than 40,000 women will die of breast cancer this year in the United States, according to a news release.

According to data provided by Kaiser State Health Facts, in 2006, Kansas ranked fifth highest in the U.S. among breast cancer occurrences per 100,000 women -- well above the national average. Yet in 2008, Kansas women over 50 years of age report having fewer mammograms than the national norm.

"Generally women over the age of 40 years understand the importance of mammograms; however, other commitments often take precedence over caring for themselves," Mercy Director of Imaging Services Becky Williams said in the release.

Williams added, "The idea behind the mammogram marathon is to offer women convenient, 24-hour access for this important diagnostic service. So whether you have just put the kids to bed or you are just getting off work, we will be here."

Women may schedule an appointment for a mammogram by contacting the Mercy Radiology Department at (620) 223-7015. Patients may also pre-register so they can report directly to the radiology department for their procedure.

"Insurance allows for women to receive a mammogram once every 365 days, so if a woman has had a mammogram within a year's time frame, we invite you to encourage your best friend or loved one to schedule their appointment," Williams said. "Then come along and enjoy this full-day celebration with giveaways, drawings and cake at 8 p.m."

Williams added, "Make sure you and the special women in your life have their annual mammogram. It could be life saving."

Also during the month of October, Mercy will have weekly drawings for T-shirts, sweatshirts and other prizes. Patrons may also purchase black hooded sweatshirts with the phrase Fight Like a Girl embellished with rhinestones for $30 in the Mercy Gift Shop. Proceeds will benefit a campaign to expand the Mercy Cancer Care Center.

For more information about digital mammography or to schedule an appointment, call (620) 223-7015.