Jenkins to hold office hours in Fort Scott

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

U.S. Representative Lynn Jenkins, R-Kan., announced Tuesday she will continue bringing Congress to Kansas during the August legislative recess by holding mobile office hours in Fort Scott. The office will be set up at 9:30 a.m., Sept. 7, in the lobby at the Citizen's Bank, 200 S. Main St.

"Since first being elected to represent Kansans in Congress, I have been committed to trying to provide the best constituent services they have ever experienced from an elected official," Jenkins said. "Again, this month, I will take to the roads of Eastern Kansas to listen to folks' concerns and answer questions about important public policy issues."

Since January 2009, Jenkins has held Congress to Kansas events during congressional work periods to keep Kansans informed about what she is doing in Congress. During the month of August, she will travel to communities throughout Eastern Kansas to hold a series of America Speaking Out townhall meetings and mobile office hours. For more information about the latest Congress to Kansas tour, visit Jenkins' website, The website will be updated as Jenkins and her staff finalize the August schedule.

Jenkins continued, "There are major issues affecting our country right now, and it is critical that Kansans have a strong voice fighting for them. I look forward to listening to Kansans' concerns and answering their questions while I am in Fort Scott."