AHS Our Gang dinner to be held Aug. 28
Edtior's Note: This is the second edition of a two-part series.
Bridet Schmitz was a newcomer to the youth classs in Arcadia Christian Church on Sunday morning, Aug. 8. Others in class that morning were Andy Lechliter, Josie Bryant and Cheyenne Mellon.
Following Sunday School class, they had Children's Church in the Bungalow with Patty Peterson and Willa Cable as their leaders.
Sunday afternoon, the Fall Festival planning commmittee met at 3 p.m. in the Parsonage. JOY Class monthly dinner, at 6 p.m. with business meeting and the Church Board meeting following the dinner is on Monday evening, Aug. 16.
Among the many folks on the Christian Church Prayer list are Willa Cable's mother, Mable Plum, Sunset Manor, Frontenac, Kan. Also Judy Rawlings from Liberal, Mo.
The next dinner meeting for AHS Our Gang will be Aug. 28 att 6:30 p.m. in Arcadia Community Center. Sub sandwiches will be purchased and you are asked to bring accompainments for the sandwiches. Table service and drinks will be furnished.
Bill, Delton Jr. and Tom Watt were guests of Mae Watt on Saturday, Aug. 14. As busy as they were, they took time to say hello to the old time friends who stopped by to greet them at her home at the Mile Corner.
Larry and Vickie Shead spent Monday and Tuesday in Tulsa visitng their daughters and families. It included Vickie's mother, Shirley Aplegarth, who was soon to celebrate her birthday. About the same time, Cindy Shead of Carl Junction visited her Dad, R.H. Geurin in Bartlesville, Okla. He has been attending a pain clinic for his back and legs.
The Tuesday evening that several visitors enjoyed the VBS in the Baptist Church in Oskaloosa there were 38 children in attendance. Willa Cable, Brandy Mellon, Patty Peterson, Lou and Betty Dehn, Mr. and Mrs. Lechlter and Bonnie and Loren Hines were helpers from Arcadia, either in the classroom, craft room, playground or kitchen. A plate lunch was served about 7 p.m., before and after class work, craft or playtime. All gathered for singing and performing at the close of the evening. Janelle Bunny and others from their church played a part in the singing, teaching and in the kitchen each evening for the full week of training.
Mary V. Shead was a guest on Tuesday evening, a member of the JOY Class who helped with a money donaton to further this youth activity.