Uniontown Old Settlers' Picnic set for Sept. 4-6
UNIONTOWN, Kan. -- For more than a century, community members have celebrated the town's historic past during the annual Old Settlers' Picnic.
Several activities are scheduled to take place during the three-day event, which is scheduled for Sept. 4-6 at various locations. Activities include a ranch rodeo, a poker run, two parades, a motorcycle challenge, a community picnic, live music, and a variety of games and contests. The theme for this year's event is "Yesterday's History, Tomorrow's Dreams."
The event begins at 9 a.m. Saturday with the 4th Annual Don Dennis Memorial Golf Tournament, which is sponsored by the Uniontown Ruritan Club.
A fishing derby for youth of all ages, sponsored by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, is scheduled to take place from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at Uniontown High School. The Uniontown Saddle Club's 24th Annual Ranch Rodeo is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. at the rodeo arena located just west of Uniontown.
Several activities are scheduled to take place Sunday at the Uniontown City Park, including a continental breakfast at 10:30 a.m., a community church service at 11 a.m., a poker run at 12:30 p.m., and gospel music at 7 p.m. The 44th Annual Old Settlers' Youth Rodeo is scheduled for 6 p.m., at the rodeo arena.
Monday activities begin at 7:30 a.m. with registration of vendors, followed by a horseshoe pitching contest at 8:30 a.m., and a baby contest at 9 a.m. The Ident-A-Child program, sponsored by the Masonic Lodge, will be available from 9 a.m. to noon at Uniontown City Hall. Registration for a children's parade will begin at 9:30 a.m. and judging for the parade will start at 10 a.m. The parade will begin shortly after the judging. Cash prizes will be awarded to the best entries in various categories.
A group of local World War II veterans will be honored as grand marshals of the event's main parade, which is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m. Monday after judging takes place at UHS. Cash prizes will be awarded to the best entries in various categories. Local resident Matt Wood will be the master of ceremony for the parade.
Following a picnic in the park at noon Monday, several street contests will take place at the south side of the park. Contests include foot races, a bean bag toss, water games, an egg toss, and a turtle race.
The Christian Motorcycles Association Challenge will take place at 12:30 p.m. on the east side of the Square. At 1 p.m., prizes will be awarded to various attendees, including the oldest man and woman, the couple who has been married the longest, and a former resident who travels the greatest distance to attend the event.
Bingo will be played from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., at the Uniontown Commun-ity Building, as a fundraiser for four UHS cheerleaders who were chosen as All-American Cheerleaders earlier this year and are trying to raise money to perform at the 84th Annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. A drawing for cash prizes will take place at 2 p.m., at the bandstand. Several vendors and craft booths will be present throughout the day at the park.
For more information on any of the activities or events, contact Loretta George, president of the Old Settlers Picnic Association, at (620) 249-9154.