- Battlefield Dispatches No. 354: Destitute and starving (2/1/13)
- Battlefield Dispatches No. 353: Kansas' forgotten warriors (1/25/13)
- Battlefield Dispatches No. 351: 'A Day of Jubilation' (1/11/13)
- Battlefield Dispatches No. 350: Winter campaign (1/4/13)
- Battlefield Dispatches No. 349: Surgeon and courier (12/28/12)
- Battlefield Dispatches No. 348: Treasure Trove (12/21/12)
- Battlefield Dispatches No. 347: 'Block by block' (12/14/12)
Battlefield Dispatches No. 225: BRAVE: Impudent, Insolent and Insulting women
Friday, July 30, 2010
In any war, and this was especially true in the Civil War, the women who were at home in the combat areas had to be brave, self reliant, feisty, witty, quick of mind and at times, arrogant and defiant to protect their families, homes, farms, etc. If they were faced with enemy soldiers they could be and were brave, but they could also be impudent, insolent and insulting. This was especially true when the Yankees from and in Missouri came face to face with women of the "Southern Persuasion" and is obvious in the following after action report. The report is located on Page 412, Series I, Vol. 22, Part II Correspondence in the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.
"In the Field, July 30, 1863,
Brig. Gen. John McNeil,
Commanding District of Southwestern Missouri:
General: I have the honor to report that on receipt of your Special Orders of 26th instant, directing me to move against Coffee, I left Newtonia, being satisfied, from information received on the evening of the 27th, that Coffee had gone south with Livingston's men three days before. The opinion formed in my own mind was that he had taken quarters in the Cowskin Prairie region. To that point I directed my movements. My force was 240.1 found my horses in bad condition for such a scout, a great number of my men being dismounted and 125 were sent on with the [supply] train, whose horses were unserviceable. Twelve miles out we run onto a NOTORIOUS BUSHWHACKER named STANLEY, KILLING HIM and capturing his horse and arms (weapons). Near the town site of Rutledge we drew up at the house of one Hellner, who, had a few days ago returned from Price's Army. He was on a commanding bluff, watching us; he was descried (observed) and chased so closely that we captured his hat, bridle & powder horn.
On searching the house, a large rebel mail was found, mainly directed to Price's Brigade, among which I send you the valuable information contained. The Spring's spoken of in these letters are southwest of Pineville, some 20 miles. Guides can be had at Newtonia. I had one Hargrove, enrolling officer for McDonald County; also one Harman and Mayfield, of the Enrolled Militia. Judge C. B. Walker, a member of the Legislature from McDonald County, at present a refugee in Newtonia, would be a most efficient and reliable guide and is always willing to serve.
Information obtained from the women, upon whose credulity the advance guard often imposed themselves as friends of Coffee was corroborative of the facts stated in these (rebel) letters. [Now that was one smart advance guard, they apparently disguised themselves as Confederate guerrillas & deceived the women of the "Southern Persuasion."] Additional evidence of Coffee's presence in that country is found in the IMPUDENT & INSULTING CONDUCT of the WOMEN there, who always GROW MOST INSOLENT & OUTSPOKEN when emboldened by the presence of a REBAL ARMY! We bivouacked at night in Rutledge. There I learned from a woman, who seemed to know, that Coffee had moved up to White rock Prairie, south of Pineville. Accordingly, I moved early across to Pineville, 7 miles and learned that a scout of about 100 of Coffee's men had on Monday been in White rock prairie, but had gone back. I was then 20 miles from his camp, with a greatly inferior force and no means of in creasing it. My men were out of rations; in fact had been out for one day. We did not have any rations in camp when we started. There is nothing to eat in that country. It is the very impersonation of POVERTY & DESOLATION. I was, therefore, compelled to wend my way back and to lay the facts before you for your action. I am now on Oliver's prairie and shall leave tomorrow morning en-route for the Central District. I exceedingly regret that we did not have a "set-to" with Coffee. He is an old acquaintance of ours. We want to pay him back for the Lone Jack advancement. My judgment is that 500 men can whip Coffee and furthermore, I will say that his line of retreat is through Cane Hill. A force sent through Burtonville to take him in the rear while one attacks him on the north, would ensure his overthrow. I, however, submit the facts and leave your better judgment to make the proper use of them.
With much respect, your obedient servant,
Colonel 7th Missouri State Militia Cavalry."
Now then, did Colonel Philips have anymore encounters with more Missouri women of the "Southern Persuasion" who were in his words, "Impudent, Insulting & Insolent"? Yes, I am sure that he did and of course the War Went On!