Fort Scott 9-year-olds depart Wednesday

Monday, July 26, 2010
The Fort Scott 9-year-old baseball team won the Cal Ripken state championship and will play in the Regional Tournament beginning Thursday in Kelso, Mo. (Submitted photo/Copyright

Fort Scott's 9-year-old Cal Ripken Baseball state champion team will depart for the regional tournament Wednesday morning between 6:45 and 7 a.m. at Buck Run Community Center.

The regional takes place at Kelso Ball Park in Kelso, Mo.

Fort Scott plays the first game in the tournament at noon against a wild-card team from Missouri. Eight teams are in the field including Kansas wild card entrant Emporia, the Missouri state champion, the Colorado state champion and a wild card team from that state, and a team from Canada.

Opening ceremonies will take place at the stadium at 6:15 p.m., before the final game of the day between the Colorado champ and tourney host Scott County. The tournament concludes Sunday.

Fort Scott is coached by Jason Gorman, Willie Hathaway and Brian Defebaugh. The roster includes Noah Reynolds, Graham Hathaway, Treyton Wilson, Tyler Gorman, Carter Goldston, Chandler Defebaugh, Matt Campbell, Kieran Houlihan, Daniel Eichenberger, Mason Couch and John Tucker.