Bourbon County 4-H in need

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bourbon County 4-H members are involved in several fund raising efforts to secure funds needed for the operation of the 4-H program in the county.

On Saturday, June 12, all seven 4-H community clubs will be participating in a mega garage sale. Breakfast will be served at the 4-H Building starting at 7 a.m. followed by lunch as well as a bake sale all day. Local youth will also be showing off their livestock in the show barn during the Old Fort Classic that day.

A major concern at the present time is making the building fully handicap accessible. New restrooms were put in recently, utilizing funds from a Fort Scott Community Foundation grant. Construction of a ramp at the main entrance for wheelchair accessibility still needs to be completed.

Other much needed maintenance to the building includes roof repairs, and interior and exterior painting.

4-H Council funds are also used for leadership activities, membership development and recognition events. Expenses of County and Regional 4-H Days, including paying judges, ribbons, facility costs, the annual Friends of 4-H Dinner, new 4-H family orientation sessions, 4-H officer training, awards presented at the annual 4-H Achievement Banquet, and 4-H camp counselor registration fees at Rock Springs are other expenses.

The 4-H Building on south Horton Street is used by 4-H groups approximately 120 times a year with more than 4600 individuals involved. During the Bourbon County Fair, all non-animal 4-H exhibits are displayed there. The 4-H Council also sells food during fair week as a major fund raiser for the 4-H program. The building is also used by many community groups throughout the year.

A total of 186 youth from 118 families are involved in 4-H in Bourbon County. Future fund raising will include compiling a cookbook of 4-H family recipes to be released this fall. For more information about the 4-H program, call the Bourbon County Extension office at (620) 223-3720.