Program focusing on reducing household clutter offered Jan. 21

Friday, January 15, 2010

A program to help families reduce household clutter will be offered on Thursday, Jan. 21, from 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. at the First Southern Baptist Church, 1818 S. Main, Fort Scott.

"Cut the Clutter and Get Organized" is the title for the program to be presented by Joy Purkeypile, Kansas State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences agent in Linn County.

The program will focus on techniques for cleaning, organizing, and storing items. Purkeypile will talk about organizing closets, how to decide what to do with the clutter, and how to get family members involved in maintaining a clutter-free home.

The program which is free to the public is sponsored by K-State Research and Extension, Bourbon County. For more information, contact the Bourbon County Extension office at (620) 223-3720.