Redfield Ruritan awarded

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Approximately 100 people attended the Community Christmas Party on Dec. 10 sponsored by the Redfield Ruritan Club. The Club provided the ham and turkey and dressing and those attending brought side dishes.

Following the meal, the 2010 officers were introduced by "Skeet" George, the outgoing club president. Officers for 2010 Letha Johnson, president; Larry Graham, vice president; Lewis Williams, treasurer; Maryetta Hixon, secretary; and Marilyn Love, director. Marilyn was also welcomed as a new member of the club.

Santa paid a surprise visit and gift bags were distributed to all of the children. Bingo was played with prizes donated by the Ruritan Club. The table decorations of Poinsettias donated by the City of Redfield were given away as door prizes.

The Christmas Lighting Contest winners were announced as follows: Maxine Engle, first place; Tom and Kathy Lewis, second place; and Steve Oliver, third place. The Club would like to thank everyone who entered the contest.

The Club will be sponsoring a Pancake Breakfast in the Redfield Community Building on Saturday, Jan. 2, 2010.

Eight members attended the Ruritan District Convention in Scammon. At this convention, the Club received the following awards: Bronze for Public Service; Gold for Citizenship and Patriotism; Silver for Business and Professionalism; Silver for Social Development and Gold for Public Service. The gold award is first place; the silver award is second place and the bronze award is third.

The club wishes to thank all those who have supported these projects during the past year and invites anyone who is interested in joining the club and helping to make our community a better place to live to contact any club member.

Ruritan is a community service organization and through volunteer community service, are dedicated to making their area a better place to live and work through "Fellowship, Goodwill and Community Service."

-- Submitted by

Maryetta Hixon