1 killed, 4 injured in Sunday night accident

Monday, October 12, 2009

Twenty-three-year-old Alanna Smith of Kansas City, Kan., was killed Sunday night when the vehicle she was driving crossed over the center line and struck another vehicle.

Smith was traveling southbound on U.S. Highway 69 in a 2008 Nissan Passenger when she crossed into oncoming traffic and collided with a 1997 Chevy Suburban driven by Andrew Womelsdorf, 34, of La Harpe, near Deer Road about 10 miles south of Fort Scott. The reason for Smith crossing over is not known, according to the Kansas Highway Patrol report.

Aisha Ford, 22, of Pittsburg, was in the vehicle with Smith and was transported to the University of Kansas Medical Center for treatment of injuries. Also sustaining injuries were Dasha Womelsdorf, 26, Shelby Womelsdorf, 1, and Shayda Womelsdorf, 24, all of La Harpe. Andrew was transported to Overland Park Regional Hospital while the other Womelsdorfs were taken to Mercy Health Center.

No additional details were provided by the KHP. Look in future editions of The Tribune as more information becomes available.