Operation Powder Keg multi-county methamphetamine operation

Saturday, September 19, 2009

On Thursday, Sept, 17, the Community Narcotics Enforcement Team Drug Task Force (also known as CNET) exploded into action with Operation Powder Keg. Powder Keg is a multi-county operation which involved the counties of Vernon, Bates, Dade and St Clair County Missouri. Operation Powder Keg is the result of a year-long investigation into the manufacture and distribution of methamphetamine in the four-county area. More than two dozen people face felony charges such as possession with intent to distribute methamphetamine and marijuana, manufacture of methamphetamine, methamphetamine possession and felony weapons violations.

Operation Powder Keg started out with teams comprised of Task Force Agents and deputies for various agencies serving several felony arrest warrants simultaneously in multiple counties. Agents were also involved with a vehicle pursuit which covered the south end of Vernon County, resulting in an arrest of the suspect, with the assistance from Missouri National Guard Counter Drug Aviation Unit.

Law Enforcement Officers continued the day, moving from county to county serving felony arrest warrants and cleaning up meth labs along the way. Drug Task Force agents are continuing to arrests more suspects throughout the day. Operation Powder Keg was to end this evening.

As of Friday morning, agents had seized approximately $15,000 in methamphetamine, one half pound of red phosphorous, dozens of commercial grade beakers and flasks, more than 150 marijuana plants, weapons, ammunition, numerous other chemicals used in the manufacture of methamphetamine, and two pieces of heavy equipment stolen out of Missouri. In addition, more than 150 acres in Dade County, Mo., is also in the beginning stages of being seized for drug violations.

As of Friday afternoon, the following persons had been charged: Samantha Ranea Mueller, 24, Independence, Mo.; Rey Dwight Brown, 31, Los Angeles, Calif.; Joshua Lyle Schnedler, 28, Nevada, Mo.; Carl A. Bogart, 26, Sheldon. Mo., Twila Shaffer, Greenfield, Mo.; and Randy Price, Greenfield, Mo.

Three other arrests were made on Thursday, Sept. 17, and charges are currently pending for these suspects. There are 16 others in connection with today's operations who have Agencies assisting in Operation Powder Keg are Vernon, Dade, Bates, and St. Clair county sheriff's offices, Osceola Police Department, Missouri Counter Drug Aviation Unit and Missouri State Highway Patrol.