Commission asks to eliminate Human Resources Director
On the same night that Fort Scott City Commissioners recognized seven employees for their service to the city, one employee's future is now in limbo.
The mood in the room during Tuesday evening's meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission quickly turned somber when Commissioner Jean Parker made a motion to instruct Fort Scott City Manager Joe Turner to eliminate the Fort Scott Human Resources Director position currently held by Robert Johnson.
The position has not yet been eliminated because Turner has the legal right to go against the commission's request and keep the position, according to Fort Scott City Attorney Robert Farmer. Turner is the only person who works for the commission, which is why the commission cannot eliminate the position on its own, Farmer added.
Parker said her reasoning for the motion was because the city's budget remains in dire straits and the city could be looking at increasing water rates to pay for state mandated improvements to the dam at Lake Fort Scott.
"I just feel we are in trouble," Parker said. "We need to do something."
City of Fort Scott Director of Finance Susan Brown informed the commission that while the budget currently has the recommended three month's worth of operating costs in reserves, it is projected to finish the year with less than one month's worth of operating costs.
Following Commissioner Jim Adams' seconded the motion. Commissioner Dick Hedges said he would like to see an assessment and recommendation from Turner as to the advantages and disadvantages of eliminating the position.
After Hedges' comments the issue went to vote and passed 3-2 with Hedges and Mayor Gary Bukowski opposing.
Turner was unavailable for comment following the meeting.
Other business conducted by the commission included:
* Sept. 24-27 was proclaimed as Pioneer Harvest Fiesta Weekend.
* Pioneer Harvest Fiesta was granted a parade permit for Sept. 24.
* Approved the closure of Main Street between First and Second streets from 4-9 p.m. on Oct. 1 for the Friends of the Fort's movie premiere.
* Approved the closures of streets for the Ropin' & Rockin' for Pennies for the Park event on Nov. 7 (See information, here.).
* Approved the closure of Gunn Park; June 1-5 for the Gunn Park birthday celebration in conjunction with Good 'Ol Days, July 2-5 for Freedom Fest, Oct. 21-24 for Halloween in the Park, and Dec. 1-4 for Christmas in the Park.
* Agreed to terms with USD 234 for the trading of land to be used for the construction of the Fort Scott Skate Park.
* Approved amendments to the city's garbage ordinance and litter ordinance.
* Postponed the consideration of bits for the demolition of five structures to allow time to assess the budget impact.
* Approved the 10-year agreement with the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks in which the city will be paid $23,900 to allow fishing in the city-owned waters and to stock Fern Lake at Gunn Park with trout.
* Authorized Turner to sign an agreement with Agriculture Engineering Associates to prepare required information to the State of Kansas, Division of Water Resources to obtain a permit for modification of the dam at Lake Fort Scott to meet new state dam safety standards. The agreement is to cost no more than $25,000 witch will be funded from the Water Fund.