Patriot Day for remembering heroes

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Attendees watch as several balloons are released into the air at the conclusion of Patriot Day festivities last year at the VFW Post. This year's remembrance ceremony will take place at 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 11, in the post parking lot. (File photo)

America's heroes will be remembered and honored during a special ceremony next month.

The brave men and women who risked their lives to help during the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, which killed more than 3,000 people, as well as soldiers who serve the United States at home or overseas, will be the focus of a remembrance event on Friday, Sept. 11, the anniversary of the tragic events that took place eight years ago that day.

Each year, many U.S. citizens pay tribute to the many lives lost during the terrorist attacks, and also honor soldiers who work to help protect the safety and freedoms of Americans.

At 6 p.m. Sept. 11, in the parking lot of the VFW Post Home, 1745 S. National Ave., a ceremony will take place to honor and pay tribute to firefighters, police officers, emergency personnel and ordinary citizens who risk their lives to save others' lives, according to a proclamation by Fort Scott Mayor Gary Bukowski. The proclamation, which Bukowski is expected to sign before the event, states that Sept. 11 is Patriot Day in the community.

The proclamation also states that all U.S. flags in the area should be flown at half-staff on Patriot Day, and that a moment of silence be observed.

"The people of Bourbon County will observe Patriot Day with appropriate ceremonies and remembrance activities," the proclamations said. "We ask that the flag be displayed at half-staff at homes and businesses on that day and that a moment of silence be observed to honor the innocent Americans and people from around the world who lost their lives in the barbaric terrorist attack of September 11, 2001."

During the VFW celebration, members of the VFW color guard will also pay tribute to prisoners of war and soldiers who are missing in action. The presentation is also expected to include a presentation of the colors, the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, the singing of the national anthem, a prayer, and a balloon release.

VFW Ladies Auxiliary Patriotic Instructor Margaret Carter, the coordinator of the event, said area residents may bring balloons with them to the remembrance celebration in order to take part in a balloon release in honor of all those who protect the city, county and country.

Carter said the event is a time for local residents to show their appreciation for the diligence of those who put their lives in harm's way for the good of others.

Bukowski is scheduled to sign the proclamation on Sept. 2.