
The miracle of the magnet bracelet

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I have a new bracelet! So, what's the big deal? Well, this bracelet is different: It is a magnet bracelet.

As we enter these "golden years," our body seems to take on a life of its own. All sorts of things happen when we least expect it. By the time we reach retirement, we think we know our bodies pretty well when all of a sudden it begins to act like it doesn't even belong to us. You know what I mean?

I woke up one morning with my right thumb hurting and throbbing like crazy. This went on for some time, and didn't seem to get any better, so I went to see my doctor. She said it was arthritis and that I would just have to learn to live with it.

I didn't like that answer at all. If Mr. Arthritis thinks he is going to take up residence in my thumb, he has another "think" coming.

Several friends said, "Get a magnet bracelet." So off to Wal-Mart I went, right up to the gal in the Jewelry department and said, "I have arthritis in my thumb and I need a magnet bracelet please"

She said, "Boy are you in luck. They are on sale today for half price."

She sounded for all the world like a carnival hawker, hawking her wares.

"What a deal!" I said. "Give me two."

She said, "Let me put them in a sack for you."

"Oh no, I want to wear one right now," I said.

So she put it on me, and within two or three days, the pain lessened in my thumb and wrist, enough that it was quite tolerable. Mr. Arthritis keeps trying to make a re-appearance, but has been kept at bay with my wonder bracelet.

About two or three months later, I woke up one morning and my wrist was beginning to itch and break out. My wonderful bracelet must have a very light coating over the nickel or whatever it was made of, and now it was wearing off and I was allergic to it. What a dilemma!

Was I going to be outfoxed by a cheap bracelet! Never! Back to Wal-Mart I went, up to the clerk that had waited on me and said, "This bracelet is making my arm break out".

Very calmly she said, "Here is what you do: Paint it with some clear fingernail polish."

" That's all there is to it?" I asked. "Too easy; must be a trick." But what did I have to lose?

I took off for home and could hardly wait to try this out. I scrounged around 'til I found some clear polish and painted it very liberally and let it dry. And there was no more breaking out and hardly any pain at all.

This happened quite some time ago, and since then, I have worn out the first bracelet, and the second, and am on a third one. It's the clasps that wear out, not the bracelet.