KHP cautions drivers about driving during harvest time

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Kansas Highway Patrol is encouraging motorists to exercise extra caution and patience when operating a motor vehicle around farm trucks, tractors, and combines during the harvest season. Every year the KHP and local law enforcement agencies investigate numerous crashes between passenger vehicles and farm vehicles, many of which could have been prevented.

"Located in the heart of the nation, Kansas is known for its farming operations. Agriculture is an important industry within the state. During harvest, it's important that we drive responsibly to ensure the safety of the farmers and other motorists on the roads throughout the state of Kansas," KHP Superintendent, Col. Terry Maple said.

According to the KHP, most farm equipment is not designed to travel at highway speeds and may only be designed to travel 15-25 miles per hour. Farm equipment is often wider than other vehicles, and sometimes wider than the lane of traffic, so extra room should be allowed when traveling near a farm implement on the road. Extra caution should be practiced on all roads, but especially on the busy rural roads with unmarked intersections.

"As harvest season moves into full swing over the next several weeks, rural roads and other roadways in Kansas will see an increase in slow moving vehicles and farm equipment. It's so important that drivers practice patience to aid in everyone's safety," Maple said. "There have already been a few serious crashes in western Kansas involving farm implements and other vehicles, and the Patrol would like nothing more than to see crashes of this sort end, and our residents and travelers safe."

The KHP offers these safety tips to keep in mind when sharing Kansas roads with farmers:

* Drivers should not assume the farmer knows they are there

* Pass with extreme caution

* Allow extra room when following farm equipment

* Be patient

* Drivers should think of the slow moving vehicle emblem as a warning to adjust their speed

* Pay attention

* Always wear seat belts and use child safety seats