Streets, ordinances on city agenda

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Fort Scott City Commission will meet Tuesday to discuss street improvements and an ordinance amendment.

Commissioners will be discussing an alley paving proposal. Seven of the nine alleys requested to be paved were previously approved by the commission but were not completed during the annual street improvement programs due to budget cuts and time constraints. The cost purchase the asphalt from Bourbon County is $44,190 which would come out of the $100,000 budgeted for the 2009 Annual Street Improvement Program. According to the city officials, the work will be completed by the city staff.

Also on the agenda is a discussion regarding the amending of an ordinance regarding the city's water and sewer system. The amendment will effect two sections of the ordinance, the first regarding the liability for water and sewage costs and the second regarding unpaid bills, discontinuance of services, and reconnection charges.

The first section would be amended to read:

"Liability for Water and Sewage Costs: All property owners and/or their agents shall be and are made liable for any and all water bills or fees contracted by themselves, their agents, tenants and employees for the installation and cost of meters and for water supplied and services incurred upon the property owners and/or their agents and employees, and for all expenses incident to the upkeep of meters, locks, stop boxes and supply pipes to the premises or water used at said locations."

The second section would be amended to read:

"Unpaid Bills -- Discontinuance of Services -- Reconnection Charges. In the event there are any unpaid bills against the property of any consumer or property owner, either for water, merchandise, repairs to or installation of meters, or locks, service may be discontinued without notice and a charge of $50.00 in addition to the bill may be collected before the water service is turned on."

Other items to be discussed at the meeting include:

* Closing of 8th and Main streets from 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m., July 25, for the Fort Scott Hurricane Championship Swim Meet.

* A fireworks waiver for July 4.

* Reappointment of Planning Commission Members Crystal Mason and Sheryl Bloomfield.

* Wall Street Waterline Project change order.

The meeting will be held at 6 p.m., June 16, in the Commissioner's Room in Fort Scott City Hall, 1 E. 3rd St. The meeting is open to the public.