Hiattville 4-H club reminded of upcoming events
The Hiattville 4-H club met Wednesday, June 10, 2009 at the Hiattville Fire Station. Roll call was answered by saying "what you wish your first name could be."
David Ericson, club secretary, read last month's minutes. The club was reminded of several upcoming dates: County 4-H camp-June 12-15, Fair entries due June 15; Day Camp-June 19, 8 a.m.-noon; Bourbon County Fair, July 12 to 18; and Friends of 4-H Dinner-July 28. On the program were Jonah Ericson, Gavin Fry, and Cassie Schwalm. Gavin's presentation of " Different Beef Breeds," won the traveling trophy. Gavin Fry led the game "red light, green light." Refreshments were provided by the Ericson family. Our July meeting will be a special program at the Fort Cinema, further details to be announced at a later time.