Sgt. Morrison deploys to Iraq
Army Reserve Sgt. Doug A. Morrison has deployed to Iraq to provide medical care at the Ibn Sina in Baghdad.
The 10th Combat Support Hospital has assumed medical care responsibilities in Baghdad, Mosul, Al Kut, Al Amarah, and Tallil for a one-year deployment. The medical unit will provide health service support and a combat hospital in Baghdad and Mosul, and a combat aid station in Al Kut and Al Amarah.
The unit, assigned to Fort Carson, Colo., is the Army's premier combat support hospital within Forces Command and the Department of Defense, with the mission of deploying worldwide to establish an 84 or 164-bed hospital in support of combat and non-combat operations.
Morrison, a mental health specialist with nine years of military service, is regularly assigned to the 55th Medical Company, Indianapolis, Ind. The sergeant graduated in 1991 from Nevada High School, Mo., and received a bachelor's degree in 2000 from Missouri Southern State University, Joplin.
Spec. Dabbs returns from Iraq
Army National Guard Spec. Jonathan D. Dabbs is returning to the U.S. after a deployment to the Iraqi Theater of Operations in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Operation Iraqi Freedom is the official name given to military operations involving members of the U.S. armed forces and coalition forces participating in efforts to free and secure Iraq. Mission objectives focus on force protection, peacekeeping, stabilization, security and counter-insurgency operations as the Iraqi transitional governing bodies assume full sovereign powers to govern the peoples of Iraq.
Members from all branches of the U.S. military and multinational forces are also assisting in rebuilding Iraq's economic and governmental infrastructure, and training and preparing Iraqi military and security forces to assume full authority and responsibility in defending and preserving Iraq's sovereignty and independence as a democracy.
Dabbs, a military police member with five years of military service, is normally assigned to the 1175th Military Police Company, St. Clair, Mo.
He is a 2001 graduate of Sheldon High School, Mo.
Pvt. Likes completes basic
Army Pvt. Tarah L. Likes has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C.
During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physical fitness, and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, military courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches, and field training exercises.
She is the sister of Tinna Johnson, of Nevada, Mo., and niece of Sandy Levitt of S.W. Helen St., Hillsboro, Ore.