County Commission supports Fire District 3
After hearing both sides of the story, the Bourbon County Commission is supporting Bourbon County District 3 Fire Department.
Bourbon County Commissioners have publicly announced their support of Bourbon County District 3 Fire Department as former volunteers attempt to have the Hiattville Fire Department removed from Fire District 3.
"I certainly don't have a problem supporting District 3," Bourbon County Commission Chairman Terry Graham said. "District 3 is a way to protect (the citizens)."
Commissioners heard former volunteers Ronnie Brown and David and Sharon Middleton explain their reasoning for the proposed secession from the district during the meeting on April 10. The volunteers informed the commission they were subject to verbal abuse and mistreatment including removal from officer positions and unjustified disciplinary action. Warren and Irene Schooley were also on hand to express their concern for their own fire protection.
The following week, April 17, 22 representatives of Hiattville, Garland, Fulton, Devon, Uniontown, and Mapleton fire stations, Bourbon County chapter of American Red Cross, Bourbon County Sheriff's Office, Fort Scott Community College, and Emergency Management filled the commissioners room to offer their rebuttal and ask the commission's support.
Bourbon County District 3 Fire Chief Delwin Mumbower asked for the commission's public support and opened the floor to those in attendance to explain why they would like the commission's support.
According to statements made during the meeting, the main concern is the in adequate level of training which the former volunteers have completed. Specifically medical training and training in the National Incident Management System.
"As I understand it, those people from the Hiatteville region have either refused to or resisted NIMS training as required by the federal government," Bourbon County Emergency Manager Keith Jeffers said.
Jeffers added if the secession is successful, the training would still need to be completed.
"If they do split off, they will still have to do this training or they won't be certified as a fire department," Jeffers said. "If they don't do the training, they can't get money."
Other concerns are the cost and the equipment. Mumbower said the equipment at the station now was purchased by the district for the district. He said if the secession happened, the equipment would likely go to another station. Bourbon County Clerk Joanne Long said the station would only have approximately $30,000 per year to operate on.
The issue has been going on for about a year and First Vice President of the Kansas State Firefighter's Association J. L. Ellis was brought in as a mediator to help resolve the situation.
"I also spoke to each group concerning the Hiattville station opting out of the fire district," Ellis said in a letter to the commission. "With the limited information I was given, I cannot believe this is in the best interests of the firefighters, fire department, or citizens of the fire district. I remain optimistic that a suitable solution can be found to what I believe is a deep-seated conflict in personalities and organizational vision."
J. W. "Jingles" Endicott expressed his support of the district however he also expressed his concern for the lack of communication between all stations in the county.
"Everybody should be working together and I don't think that has been the case sometimes," Endicott said.
The commission informed the former volunteers to present a petition with signatures representing 10 percent of land owners in the proposed secession area. When the petition is presented the commission will then decide whether to accept or deny the request. If the request is accepted, the Bourbon County District 3 Fire Department will have 30 days to present a protest petition with signatures representing 19 percent of the proposed secession area. The commission will again make the decision to accept or deny the petition. According to Long, the process needs to be completed by July 1 in order to be included on this years taxes.