Help your child get a good night's sleep

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sleep is a vital need, necessary for a child's health and growth. Sleep promotes alertness, memory and performance. Children who get enough sleep are more likely to function better and are less prone to behavioral problems and moodiness. "That is why it is important for parents to start early and help their children develop good sleep habits," said a University of Missouri Extension 4-H youth development specialist.

The number one way to promote good sleeping habits in children is to follow a routine, said Kathy Bondy. Sleep tips for preschoolers include an established ritual that makes it easier for your child to relax, fall asleep and sleep through the night. That bedtime routine might include taking a bath, putting on pajamas, brushing teeth and reading a story. Be sure the room is quiet, at a comfortable temperature and without a TV. Then put your child to bed and say goodnight. Try to make that bedtime routine the same every night.

School-age children, 5- to 12-years old, need 10 to 11 hours of sleep. This is the age when children begin to have more demands on their time with homework and extra-curricular activities, and when they become more interested in TV and computers. These factors, along with the consumption of caffeine products, may make going to sleep and staying asleep more difficult. Poor or inadequate sleep can lead to mood swings, behavioral problems such as hyperactivity and cognitive problems that affect school performance and learning.

"Teach your school-age children about healthy sleep habits," said Bondy. "Continue a regular sleep schedule and bedtime routine." Make sure the child's bedroom is conducive to sleep. Keep TV and computers out of the bedroom. Help your child avoid caffeine consumption. Continue to encourage your children to fall asleep on their own.

Researchers at Stanford University found that teenagers require more sleep, by one to two hours, than do their younger 9- and 10-year-old siblings, who only require about eight hours of sleep. According to the American Sleep Disorders Association, the average teenager needs around 9.5 hours of sleep per night, yet most teens generally get an average of 7.4 hours a night, far short of the desired amount.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends keeping an eye out for signs of sleep deprivation that might include difficulty waking in the morning, irritability in the afternoon, falling asleep during the day, oversleeping on the weekend and having difficulty remembering or concentrating.

NSF indicates that by the age of two, most children have spent more time asleep than awake and overall, a child will spend 40 percent of his or her childhood asleep. "Sleep deprivation can be the cause of moodiness, poor performance in school and depression," said Bondy. "Help ensure your child's success by establishing a bedtime routine and helping your child get a good night's sleep."