Tribune survey: Local women want loving not lavish this Valentine's Day
The Fort Scott Tribune
As Valentine's Day gets closer local women reveal it truly is the thought that counts.
The Tribune randomly surveyed 10 women between the ages of 20 and 70 years of age, asking their thoughts and opinions on the special day. The results were quite interesting.
All surveyed women said they preferred a romantic small scale affair, adding it isn't the amount of money spent but the thought and effort put into the evening. They said a romantic dinner at home can be just as special as dinner at a nice restaurant. Some said Valentine's Day is just a day to show people how much you love them. One woman said she preferred an intimate affair because she does not want an audience while she and her significant other show how much they care for each other.
For those guys still struggling to find ideas, these women offered a few helpful tips.
If it is too late to get a reservation at a restaurant, try making her favorite meal and then cleaning up. For an extra bit of romance, try adding a trail of rose pedals to the table set for two. After cleaning up pop in a nice movie and relax.
The women also said it is important to make the evening special, something that is not routine. They added they like to see thought was put into it.
When searching for a gift, the women also said it should be special and thoughtful. They suggested traditional gifts of roses, chocolates, and a card, however some said a single rose can be just as thoughtful as a dozen. If that perfect card just can't be found, try making one just for her. By making a card, it shows more thought and effort as well as doing that little bit extra to make her feel special. Also a popular gift can be given in the bedroom. That's right a soothing massage with scented oils or lotions.
The important message given by all who were surveyed was to keep the evening special, put thought into it and things will be fine.
Survey conducted by Tribune reporter Michael Pommier.