
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Although KCTV and KSMO have been removed from Fort Scott's cable system, they will be continue to be noted for those who receive either station over the air or via cable in Linn County, which is in the Kansas City TV market.



Fort Scott 8-0 9-3
Coffeyville 6-1 7-3
Independence 6-3 8-5
Labette County 5-3 8-4
Chanute 4-4 7-5
Iola 3-4 4-7
Columbus 2-5 3-8
Pittsburg 1-7 4-8
Parsons 0-8 1-11

Thursday, Jan. 29

Fort Scott 53, Parsons 26

Friday, Jan. 30

Columbus at Chanute

Fort Scott 35, Pittsburg 21

Independence 58, Parsons 30

Iola 41, Labette County 39

Miami (Okla.) at Coffeyville

Tuesday, Feb. 3

Independence at Iola

Labette County at Fort Scott

Parsons at Columbus

Pittsburg at Coffeyville

Thursday, Feb. 5

Coffeyville at Fort Scott

Friday, Feb. 6

Chanute at Parsons

Coffeyville at Labette County

Columbus at Iola

Fort Scott at Independence


Labette County 8-0 11-1
Parsons 6-18-3
Pittsburg 5-3 8-4
Fort Scott 5-3 6-6
Coffeyville 4-3 6-4
Independence 4-5 5-8
Iola 1-6 1-10
Chanute 1-7 1-11
Columbus 0-7 2-9

Thursday, Jan. 29

Parsons 71, Fort Scott 65

Friday, Jan. 30

Columbus at Chanute

Pittsburg 46, Fort Scott 42

Parsons 56, Independence 43

Labette County 60, Iola 46

Miami (Okla.) at Coffeyville

Tuesday, Feb. 3

Independence at Iola

Labette County at Fort Scott

Parsons at Columbus

Pittsburg at Coffeyville

Thursday, Feb. 5

Coffeyville at Fort Scott

Friday, Feb. 6

Chanute at Parsons

Coffeyville at Labette County

Columbus at Iola

Fort Scott at Independence


Columbus 3-0 6-0
Chanute 3-0 12-3
Pittsburg 3-2 3-2
Fort Scott 3-2 8-7
Parsons 1-2 5-4
Independence 2-2 9-5
Labette County 0-3 1-7
Coffeyville 0-4 0-15

Thursday, Jan. 29

Pittsburg 72, Coffeyville 9

Chanute 45, Pittsburg 21

Chanute 72, Coffeyville 3

Columbus 41, Seneca (Mo.) 33

Independence 48, Labette County 27

Independence 58, Fort Scott 19

Fort Scott 25, Labette County 24

Burlington 50, Parsons 15

Parsons 45, Cherryvale 35

Saturday, Jan. 31

Coffeyville, Independence, Parsons and Pittsburg at Chanute-Southeast Kansas Invitational

Labette County at Baldwin Tournament

Thursday, Feb. 5

Columbus and Labette County at Coffeyville

Independence and Parsons at Chanute

Friday, Feb. 6

Chanute, Columbus, Fort Scott, Independence and Labette County at Rose Hill Tournament

Coffeyville and Parsons at Towanda-Circle Tournament

Saturday, Feb 7

Chanute, Columbus, Fort Scott, Independence and Labette County at Rose Hill Tournament

Coffeyville and Parsons at Towanda-Circle Tournament


Bold -- League game.


y-St. Paul2-09-2
Marmaton Valley0-20-12

x -- One game missing.

y -- Two games missing.

Friday, Jan. 30

Altoona-Midway at Oswego

Allen-Northern Heights 72, Crest 41

Pleasanton 37, Marmaton Valley 24

St. Paul at Chetopa

Monday, Feb. 2

Marmaton Valley Tournament

Oswego vs. Humboldt (make-up from December)

Tuesday, Feb. 3

Hartford at Crest

Marmaton Valley at Altoona-Midway

Pleasanton at St. Paul

Uniontown at Chetopa

Friday, Feb. 6

Altoona-Midway at Pleasanton

Chetopa at Crest

Oswego at St. Paul

Uniontown at Marmaton Valley


x-St. Paul1-13-9
Marmaton Valley0-25-7

x -- One game missing.

y -- Game vs. junior varsity team not included in record.

Friday, Jan. 30

Altoona-Midway at Oswego

Crest 66, Allen-Northern Heights 37

Pleasanton 43, Marmaton Valley 40

St. Paul at Chetopa

Monday, Feb. 2

Marmaton Valley Tournament

Oswego vs. Humboldt (make-up from December)

Tuesday, Feb. 3

Hartford at Crest

Marmaton Valley at Altoona-Midway

Pleasanton at St. Paul

Uniontown at Chetopa

Friday, Feb. 6

Altoona-Midway at Pleasanton

Chetopa at Crest

Oswego at St. Paul

Uniontown at Marmaton Valley



Central Heights 3-0 9-3
Jayhawk-Linn 2-1 11-1
Osawatomie 1-1 3-8
Anderson County 1-2 4-7
Wellsville 1-2 4-8
Prairie View 0-2 2-9

Thursday, Jan. 29

Wellsville Top Gun Tournament

Anderson County 49, Spring Hill 39

Wellsville 40, Bonner Springs 35

Friday, Jan. 30

Central Heights 50, Jayhawk-Linn 19

Saturday, Jan. 31

Wellsville Top Gun Tournament

Anderson County vs. Wellsville (5th)

Louisburg Tournament

Osawatomie vs. Shawnee Maranatha Academy (5th)

Tuesday, Feb. 3

Anderson County at Prairie View

Osawatomie at Central Heights

Wellsville at Jayhawk-Linn

Friday, Feb. 6

Anderson County at Osawatomie

Prairie View at Jayhawk-Linn

Wellsville at Central Heights


Anderson County3-05-7
Central Heights2-17-5
Prairie View0-24-7

Friday, Jan. 30

Anderson County 37, Wellsville 29

Central Heights 61, Jayhawk-Linn 24

Tuesday, Feb. 3

Anderson County at Prairie View

Osawatomie at Central Heights

Wellsville at Jayhawk-Linn

Friday, Feb. 6

Anderson County at Osawatomie

Prairie View at Jayhawk-Linn

Wellsville at Central Heights


National ranking in parenthesis


Eastern Division

TeamConference Overall
Johnson County6-312-8
Fort Scott6-313-8
Neosho County3-68-13
Kansas City2-79-12
Allen County0-93-18

Western Division

TeamConference Overall
Cloud County (12, D-I)7-019-2
Seward County (14, D-I)6-118-3
Barton County5-215-6
Garden City2-58-13
Dodge City0-74-17

Saturday, Jan. 31

Allen County at Independence

Barton County at Pratt

Butler at Seward County

Fort Scott at Coffeyville

Garden City at Dodge City

Highland at Cowley

Hutchinson at Cloud County

Johnson County at Kansas City

Labette at Neosho County

Monday, Feb. 2

Butler at Dodge City

Cloud County at Barton County

Colby at Pratt

Hutchinson at Seward County

Wednesday, Feb. 4

Coffeyville at Johnson County

Cloud County at Colby

Cowley at Fort Scott

Dodge City at Hutchinson

Garden City at Butler

Independence at Highland

Labette at Allen County

Nesoho County at Kansas City

Seward County at Barton County

Saturday, Feb. 7

Barton County at Dodge City

Coffeyville at Neosho County

Cowley at Independence

Fort Scott at Johnson County

Highland at Labette

Hutchinson at Garden City

Kansas City at Allen County

Pratt at Cloud County

Seward County at Colby


Eastern Division

TeamConference Overall
Cowley (13, D-I)7-218-3
Johnson County (11, D-II)6-314-6
Allen County5-410-11
Neosho County4-511-9
Fort Scott3-69-12
Kansas City2-76-15

Western Division

TeamConference Overall
Barton County (10, D-I)6-119-2
Garden City4-314-7
Seward County3-416-5
Cloud County3-414-7
Dodge City2-59-12
Colby 2-614-8

Saturday, Jan. 31

Allen County at Independence

Barton County at Pratt

Butler at Seward County

Fort Scott at Coffeyville

Garden City at Dodge City

Highland at Cowley

Hutchinson at Cloud County

Johnson County at Kansas City

Labette at Neosho County

Monday, Feb. 2

Arkansas Tech JV at Neosho County

Butler at Dodge City

Cloud County at Barton County

Colby at Pratt

Hutchinson at Seward County

Wednesday, Feb. 4

Coffeyville at Johnson County

Cloud County at Colby

Cowley at Fort Scott

Dodge City at Hutchinson

Garden City at Butler

Independence at Highland

Labette at Allen County

Nesoho County at Kansas City

Seward County at Barton County

Saturday, Feb. 7

Barton County at Dodge City

Coffeyville at Neosho County

Cowley at Independence

Fort Scott at Johnson County

Highland at Labette

Hutchinson at Garden City

Kansas City at Allen County

Pratt at Cloud County

Seward County at Colby




Division I

1. Chipola, Fla. (13)21-13131
2. Southeastern Illinois (2) 18-03032
3. Indian Hills, Iowa (1)22-12863
4. Midland, Texas21-12744
5. North Dakota Science22-02505
6. Salt Lake, Utah18-12277
7. South Plains, Texas18-215214
8. Tyler, Texas16-21489
9. Miami-Dade, Fla.19-214417
10. BARTON COUNTY18-213311
11. Southeastern, Iowa19-31268
12. Southwest Tennessee15-112121
13. COWLEY17-31106
14. Southwestern Illinois18-29623
15. Western Oklahoma16-292NR
16. McLennan, Texas20-17725
17. Collin County, Texas17-37612
18. North Idaho18-26713
19. Eastern Utah17-25224
20. Arizona Western17-34813
21. Northwest Florida17-53310
22. Jones County, Miss.16-232NR
23. Monroe-Bronx, N.Y.20-230NR
24. Shelton State, Ala.18-226NR
25. Jacksonville Baptist, Texas16-424NR

Others receiving votes: COFFEYVILLE 21; Highland, Ill., 18; Odessa, Texas, 31; South Georgia Tech, 11; Paris, Texas, 10; Wallace State-Hanceville, Ala., 7; Brunswick, N.C., 6; Southern Idaho, 6; Arkansas-Fort Smith, 5; Polk, Fla., 4; Motlow State, Tenn., 2; Cochise, Ariz. 1.

Division II

1. Ellsworth, Iowa18-01481
2. Cecil, Md.19-01422
3. Mott, Mich.18-31243
4. Penn Valley, Mo.18-31174
5. South Suburban, Ill.18-41065
6. Columbus State, Ohio16-1906
7. Monroe-Rochester, N.Y. 16-5838
8. Triton, Ill.19-3827
9. Lincoln, Ill.15-5789
10. Kirkwood, Iowa16-45111
11. JOHNSON COUNTY13-63010
12. Lincoln Land, Ill.16-52914
13. Sinclair, Ohio14-32415
14. Erie, N.Y.16-52312
15. Chandler-Gilbert, Ariz.13-716NR

Others receiving votes: Lackawanna, Pa., 13; Community College of Rhode Island, 11; Patrick Henry, Va., 7; Bismarck State, N.D., 6; Genessee, Ill., 6; Des Moines Area, Iowa, 4; Illinois Central, 4; St. Louis-Maramec, 4; Moraine Valley, Ill., 1; Oakland, Mich., 1.


Division I

1. Jefferson, Mo.19-02001
2. Central Arizona15-01922
3. Midland, Texas22-01833
4. Arkansas-Fort Smith19-01774
5. Walters State, Ala.19-01685
6. Gulf Coast, Fla.18-11607
7. Chipola, Fla.18-31488
8. Pensacola, Fla.20-21386
9. Copiah-Lincoln, Ill.15-113710
10. Connors State, Okla.16-11229
11. Moberly Area, Mo.17-211414
12. CLOUD COUNTY17-211315
13. Northeastern, Colo.16-110111
14. SEWARD COUNTY16-39313
15. Southern Idaho14-39216
16. Northwest Florida15-48717
17. Monroe-Rochester, N.Y.14-47418
18. Trinity Valley, Texas13-65422
19. Southern Union State, Ala.17-15221
20. North Idaho15-35119
21. Volunteer State, Tenn.16-33623
22. Middle Georgia13-13325
23. Angelina, Texas13-42420
24. Rend Lake, Ill.14-520NR
25. Casper, Wyo.17-419NR

Others receiving votes: Northeastern Oklahoma A&M, 4; Williston State, N.D, 4; Three Rivers, Mo., 3; Highland, Ill., 1.

Division II

1. Kirkwood, Iowa18-1801
2. Mesa, Ariz.17-1762
3. Illinois Central16-3723
4. Cincinnati State Tech12-3684
5. Schoolcraft, Mich.15-2645
6. Iowa Central15-3606
7. Land Lake, Ill.13-3567
8. Kankakee, Ill.13-4529
9. Parkland, Ill.16-34811
10. Potomac State, W.Va.10-04410
11. Lewis & Clark, Ill.14-3408
12. BROWN MACKIE14-53612
13. Union County, N.J.15-03215
14. Louisburg, N.C.12-22813
15. Kalamazoo Valley, Mich.11-32414
16. Carl Sandburg, Ill.11-52017
17. Owens, Md.11-616NR
18. Muskegon, Mich.11-51216
19. Louisiana State-Eunice13-9819
20. Community College of Rhode Island13-5420
Tie. Kishwaukee, Ill.13-44NR

Others receiving votes: Ancilla, Ind.; Burlington County, N.J.; Cottey, Mo.; Des Moines Area, Iowa; Genesee, N.Y.; John Wood, Ill.; Pima, Ariz.; Redlands, Okla.


TeamConference Overall
Oklahoma State2-313-6
Texas A&M2-416-5
Kansas State2-413-7
Iowa State1-412-8
Texas Tech1-411-9

Saturday, Jan. 31

Oklahoma at Iowa State, 12:45 (KFJX)

Oklahoma State at Texas A&M, 1 (ESPN)

Colorado at Kansas, 3

Kansas State at Texas, 3 (KFJX)

Baylor at Missouri, 5 (KFJX)

Nebraska at Texas Tech, 7

Monday, Feb. 2

Baylor at Kansas, 8 (ESPN)

Tuesday, Feb. 3

Iowa State at Kansas State, 7 (Fox Sports Net)

Wednesday, Feb. 4

Texas Tech at Oklahoma State, 8

Texas A&M at Oklahoma, 8

Missouri at Texas, 8:30 (ESPN2)

Nebraska at Colorado, 9:30

Saturday, Feb. 7

Colorado at Oklahoma, 12:30 (KFJX)

Texas at Nebraska, 1 (ESPN)

Oklahoma State at Kansas, 2:30 (KMBC, KODE)

Kansas State at Texas A&M, 3 (KFJX)

Missouri at Iowa State, 5

Baylor at Texas Tech, 7



The top 25 teams in The Associated Press' college basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, records through Jan. 25, total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote and previous ranking:

TeamRecordPointsLast week
1. Duke (62) 18-11,7892
2. Connecticut (6) 18-11,6943
3. Pittsburgh (3) 18-11,6474
4. Oklahoma (1) 19-11,5396
5. North Carolina 17-21,5295
6. Wake Forest 16-11,5091
7. Louisville 15-31,3519
8. Marquette 17-21,20911
9. Michigan State 16-31,1367
10. Xavier 17-21,08415
11. Texas 14-41,01714
12. Clemson 17-292910
13. Butler 18-191616
14. Arizona State 16-383417
15. Syracuse 17-48088
16. Purdue 15-472418
17. UCLA 15-454413
18. Memphis 16-353022
19. Illinois 17-340125
20. Gonzaga 14-438123
21. Villanova 15-427620
22. Saint Mary's, Calif. 18-1247--
23. Washington 15-4218--
24. Kentucky 16-4217--
25. Georgetown 12-618912

Others receiving votes: Notre Dame 154, Minnesota 138, Kansas 84, Florida 65, Missouri 52, Virginia Tech 37, Baylor 34, West Virginia 32, Davidson 27, Utah State 23, Dayton 14, California 13, Nevada-Las Vegas 4, Florida State 3, Ohio State 1, Virginia Commonwealth 1.


The top 25 teams in The Associated Press' women's college basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, records through Jan. 25, total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote and previous ranking:

TeamRecordPointsLast week
1. Connecticut (45) 19-01,1251
2. Oklahoma 16-21,0623
3. Duke 17-11,0024
4. Baylor 17-19975
5. Auburn 20-09596
6. Louisville 19-19067
7. California 16-28438
8. Maryland 16-377312
9. Stanford 15-474711
10. North Carolina 17-37162
11. Texas A&M 15-36979
12. Florida 18-259515
13. Tennessee 15-459310
14. Kansas State 17-149018
15. Ohio State 16-346619
16. Texas 14-444814
17. Notre Dame 15-344313
18. Florida State 17-434722
19. Virginia 15-430716
20. Vanderbilt 15-524617
21. Pittsburgh 14-416825
22. Iowa State 15-4130--
23. Xavier 17-4118--
24. South Dakota State 19-297--
25. DePaul 15-586--

Others receiving votes: Rutgers 60, Oklahoma State 52, Marist 46, Georgia Tech 39, New Mexico 23, Middle Tennessee 12, Boston College 10, Montana 6, Gonzaga 5, Bowling Green 4, Indiana 3, Arizona State 2, San Diego State 1, Virginia Commonwealth 1.