Coin Wars to support the Beacon

Friday, December 26, 2008
Fort Scott High School students Nick Hansen and Jimmy Cox along with FSHS teacher Jane Campbell and FSHS principal Bob Beckham present Bob Eckles, left, director of The Beacon, with a check for $1,400 last Tuesday. The school was able to raise the money for the Beacon through a Student Council sponsored "Coin Wars for the Beacon." The competition was conducted between each class and the faculty and staff. Jars for each group were placed on the office counter for one week. Coins were placed in the jars to add points and bills were placed in the jars to subtract points. A total point count was announced at the end of each day. At the conclusion, the faculty and staff ended up in first place, followed by the juniors in second place. The sophomores ended the contest in third place, the senior class came out in fourth place and freshmen class came in last. A total of $723 was collected through the Coin Wars. The $1,400 included this money in addition to donations from Student Council, Key Club, FEA, NHS, Interact, FBLA, Science Club, Pride and SGO. Submitted photo