Mark Huseman - Lindsey George
Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mark Huseman - Lindsey George
Darrel and Laura George, of Uniontown, and Virgil and Mary Jo Huseman, of Ellsworth, announce the engagement of their children, Lindsey and Mark.
The bride-elect is a 2001 graduate of Uniontown High School. She received an agricultural education degree from Kansas State University in 2006. She is currently employed by Wilson High School as the agricultural education instructor and FFA advisor.
Her fiance is a 1997 graduate of Ellsworth High School. He received an animal science degree from Kansas State University in 2001. He ranches with his family at their ranch near Ellsworth.
Lindsey and Mark plan to marry at 4:30 p.m., Jan. 3, 2009, at the First Missionary Baptist Church, Uniontown.