City commission approves approves funds to BEDCO

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

By Michael Pommier

The Fort Scott Tribune

Representing the Bourbon County Economic Development Council Inc., Steve Buerge addressed the commission with an update and an annual request for funding Tuesday night at the Fort Scott City Commission regular meeting. Buerge stated BEDCO has had a difficult time receiving grants due to the economy. He also said the cost of legal fees, insurance, taxes, miscellaneous expenditures and the industrial park expansion has totaled to $103,397.17 for 2008.

Also mentioned during the update was that Buerge and Economic Director Dale Bunn have been working together to meet with two or three local merchants each week to discuss how the businesses are fairing. He said the pair have been asking business owners what BEDCO and the City of Fort Scott can do to help in the future.

"I have learned a lot about the businesses," Buerge said. "I think we should do this more often."

Commissioner Nick Graham asked Buerge if there was a time frame set for getting water and sewer lines out to the new addition of the industrial park. Buerge responded, informing the commission that BEDCO will begin plans for water and sewer lines when a business commits to the site, a decision which was supported by City Manager Joe Turner.

"Sometimes its best to just wait," Turner said.

Graham also mentioned that he would like to see a meeting conducted by BEDCO and all it's entities to brainstorm and evaluate the current needs of the communities. This meeting will happen after the new year.

The commission passed a motion to allocate an annual amount of $33,750 to BEDCO, which is already budgeted in the city's 2009 budget.

Bruce Remsberg of Professional Engineering Consultants, P.A. addressed the commission with bid results for the Wall Street water line project. He recommended that the city go with the low bid from Lathrop Construction, Inc. of Nevada, Mo. at the cost of $1,058,833. The commission was notified by Turner that if the bid was accepted there would need to be a budget amendment made at the next meeting because the bid is more than allotted for. After a vote the bid was accepted 4-1. Director of Finance Susan Brown said that she will add that onto the budget amendment she was planning for the next commission meeting.

Remsberg also presented a change order to the Fort Scott Downtown Fire Recovery project at the cost of $27,352. The change order was to cover the cost of running wire for street lights and installing a new 125 amp single phase panel to the extra block added to the Downtown Streetscape Project. Remsberg said plans were not properly made when beginning the additional work.

"We went into it without any plans," Remsberg said.

The commission accepted the change order by a vote of 3-1 with one abstention.

"As unfortunate as it is, I just assume we have power where we need it," Commissioner Dick Hedges said.

A second change order to the Fort Scott Downtown Fire Recovery project regarding the speaker system in Skubitz Plaza was passed by the commission. The change order is for the amount of $3,875 and will purchase materials for new wiring and brackets to mount speakers to new light posts. Jim Shoemaker addressed Remsberg and the commission asking if the speakers which are currently white would match the new black posts. Following discussion it was decided that the city will look into painting the speakers to match the posts.

When the time came for commissioner comments, Graham mentioned that the Friends of Animals Shelter is progressing and now looking for a location. He also said he was concerned about spots where StreetScape project bricks were replaced. The spots in question are in front of Doughboyz and the intersection of Wall and Main. Turner and Remsberg said the spots will be looked at and addressed.

Commissioner Barbara Wood said she would like to see the Christmas lights back on City Hall. It was determined the city will look into trying to replace the wiring to get the lights back on.

Turner said a Comprehensive Zoning Map Planning Commission public hearing will be held on Dec. 10, at 6 p.m. in the Commissioner's Room in City Hall. He said there will be a new zoning map to consider during the next City Commission meeting.

Bunn addressed the commission briefly to announce that there will be a representative from Kansas Department of Transportation and a consultant present at the next commission meeting to field questions and get approval for the Highway 69 project.

At 7:05 p.m. Hedges moved for the commission to begin an executive session regarding personnel for 15 minutes. The motion passed. After returning from the executive session the meeting was adjourned.

In other business:

* A change order regarding the airport apron at the Fort Scott Municipal Airport in the amount of $8,064 was approved.

* A pay estimate to Emery Sapp and Sons, Inc. for work at the Fort Scott Municipal Airport in the amount of $161,436 was approved.

* A continuation of the public hearing held Nov. 18 regarding the vacation of a street was held. It was announced that after a successful meet with all parties involved George Collinge withdrew his petition for the vacation of the street. Turner said that the matter will be resolved soon.

* Mike Waller of Bucher, Willis and Ratliff was scheduled to give an update on the Airport Master Plan. Waller was not present at the meeting and no update was given.

The next meeting of the Fort Scott City Commission will be Dec. 16 at 6 p.m. in the Commissioner's Room at City Hall.