Two teens killed in traffic crash

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Two local teens lost their lives in a Wednesday night crash, on U.S. 54, 6 miles west of Nevada.

According to a report from the Missouri State Highway Patrol, Emily A. DeBrine, 15, of Nevada, and Corey L. Martin, 17, also of Nevada, were killed in a head-on collision with a 2005 Ford pickup driven by Gale R. Pelser, 74, of Eldridge, Mo., which was passing a vehicle and struck the 1993 Chevrolet pickup Martin and DeBrine were in. Pelser, who according to the report was wearing his seatbelt, suffered moderated injuries and was transported to Nevada Regional Medical Center. DeBrine and Martin, neither of whom were wearing seatbelts, according to the report, were both pronounced dead at the scene by Vernon County Coroner David Ferry and were transported to Ferry Funeral Home, Nevada.

Full obituaries and service information for both teens appears on Page 2A of the Weekend Herald-Tribune.