Thanksgiving tradition continues

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fort Scott, Kan. -- This Thanksgiving will mark the 10th year Marjorie Schwalm has hosted the Community Thanksgiving Dinner.

The Community Thanksgiving Dinner is free of charge to the public with serving beginning at 11:30 a.m. and concluding at 1:30 p.m. on Nov. 27, at the Elks Lodge, 111 W. 19th, in Fort Scott.

Schwalm took over the community dinner when no other community organization would. She did not see the task as too daunting, given her previous experiences with Thanksgiving meals.

"I always cooked a large Thanksgiving dinner for my family, so, I didn't think this would be so difficult," said Schwalm.

The first year Schwalm and her family took over the dinner, they served about 100 guests. Now the dinner averages between 500 and 600 guests.

Schwalm said that many years ago, area churches and local organizations joined together in order to conduct the annual feast, which at the time was created for those in town who could not afford to cook a Thanksgiving dinner of their own. Since she became head cook, Schwalm has tried to emphasize that the dinner is not just for those who cannot afford to cook. Schwalm says the dinner is for everyone in the community.

"We have a lot of widows and widowers who would otherwise spend Thanksgiving by themselves," said Schwalm. "There is no reason for anybody to sit by themselves on Thanksgiving Day."

Of course, Schwalm is not acting alone. In fact, she has about 40 volunteers to help with the serving, cooking, delivering meals, washing dishes and decorating. Schwalm said that she has volunteers as young as 10 years old and one man who is just a few days shy of his 80th birthday.

"Without all the volunteers, we wouldn't get this thing done," said Schwalm. "We have about 15 people in the kitchen. We work very well together."

Not only have volunteers helped, local organizations have provided aid in the form of donations.

The Elks Lodge will donate and cook the turkeys; the Community Christian Church will be making all the desserts; the Parkway Church of God will be furnishing the dinner rolls; and Mercy hospital will be providing the potatoes and stuffing mixes. Schwalm also provides her homemade noodles and green beans.

"It has turned into a really great thing that a lot of people have something to look forward to," said Schwalm. "It is a good day."

For more information about volunteering at the Community Thanksgiving Dinner or to request a meal delivery, contact Schwalm at (620) 223-1521.