Peers to McDonald: We love, miss you

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Fort Scott Tribune

MaKenzie McDonald's cancer may have caused her to miss a lot of school recently, but the loss does not only weigh on McDonald.

McDonald's mother Jill Farmer McDonald said the support her daughter has received from the school, her teachers and classmates has been wonderful.

"She's (McDonald) so happy to be at school because of the support of teachers and fellow students," Jill said.

Jill explained when McDonald is not at school, there is a stuffed bear that sits at her desk. The students in McDonald's class in addition to her teachers will write notes to McDonald and place them inside the bear for McDonald to read later.

According to McDonald's teacher, Julie Reynolds, McDonald's illness has affected everyone in the class.

"Makenzie has a loving, helpful, and fun personality," Reynolds said. "All of the students miss her laughter and nurturing personality. At the beginning of the school year our classroom established that we truly are a Kindergarten Family. Makenzie's illness has each and every one of her classmates concerned for their family member. We think about her everyday and have sent letters and a classroom book to try to help Makenzie through her chemo and radiation treatments."

Reynolds said as soon as the students found out that Makenzie was ill, they were filled with compassion and love which began pouring from each of them.

"Some students tell me they pray for her, other students have drawn her pictures, and still others make things for her," Reynolds said. "The students are actively participating in making a blanket to assist in raising funds for Makenzie's family at the Benefit Auction on November 24."

When asked if any of them wanted to say something to McDonald, each of the students in McDonald's class wanted to make a contribution.

I miss you. -- Chandler

I miss you. -- Hayley

Don't be sick. -- Damien.

I love you! -- Jenna

I miss you! -- Reaghn

I miss you. You are my friend! -- Paul

I don't like Makenzie being in the hospital! -- Matt

Makenzie is sick. I want her to come back. -- Denver

I want to get her a gift and she needs to get better. She is sick. I want her to

come back to school so she can learn. -- Anthony

I miss Makenzie, I would like to draw some flowers for her and my Mom will make her some soup to make her feel better. -- Hannah

I miss you Makenzie! -- Haylee

I miss you. I love you! -- Jesse

I miss you. I really really love you! -- Jadelynne

I like you! -- Lily

I love you! -- Bryden

Come back to school, I miss you! -- Virgil

You are my friend and I miss you! -- Courtney

We all miss Makenzie very much and we think about her everyday. We hope she gets better soon so she can return to school to be with her friends. -- Courtney Hinkle (Pittsburg State University Student Teacher)

I miss Makenzie's laughter and her smile. We are praying that she will make a full recovery and return to school. -- Reynolds