
Memories spring eternal ...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008



Broom polo, played on roller skates, is the craze which has just hit town. It is quite a fad in the cities. The Star team is practicing and on Thanksgiving Day will play a team from Nevada. A circuit association is to be formed. Broom polo is played with short brooms and a basketball. The goal is a net cage and occupies a place at each end of the arena. The goal is 3x5x7 feet. The ball must not be touched by the hand when a play is in progress. To make a score the oval must enter the cage. Each goal counts 3 points.



Steady jobs for 400 men, beginning next Monday, paying them 40 cents an hour, instead of part-time jobs as has been for 140 men as in the past receiving 30 cents an hour. This is the latest move here in the federal government's fight against unemployment, as announced by the Bourbon County Emergency Relief Committee. Each man who is head of a family will be given 30 hours of work a week. The men will be given useful work under competent supervision and they will be expected to earn their money.

At the Empress Saturday, "Son of Kong" and Buck Jones in "The Unknown Valley. Kiddie show Saturday morning, admission 5 cents.

At the Empress Sunday, 25 cents till 6, then 35 cents. Eddie Cantor in the Samuel Goldwin production of "Roman Sandals." Avoid the crowds. Show opens 1 hour earlier than usual for select seats.

The Katy freight depot was robbed last evening for the third time since Oct. 10. The thieves secured 5,000 cigars from the depot and a Philco radio and a box of toys from a box car.


(1958)The S

(FSHS) Teen Talk (By Connie Campbell) -- The Student Council is having problems these days. It seems that the school flag (bought by the Key Club and given to the school in 1957) and the Christmas tree decorations have een misplaced. They are being traced down by members of the council. Just the facts, Ma'am!

The Fort Scott High School debate squad placed 11th in 49 schools entered in the annual Little Nationals Tournament at Muskogee. Two Fort Scott teams that qualified for the boys' division were excluded from further competition because of a mistake made in tournament tabulations. Member of the teams were Bob Morford and Bill Pollock and Tom Miller and Joel Short. Debaters from here were Lois Gorman, Janice Erickson, Carolyn Richardson, Janet Dody, Betty Sackett, Carol Bloom, Shannon McMillen, George Scott, Randy Willard and Bryan McMillen.

The Post Office will issue a 15-cent John Jay regular stamp on the 20th in the Liberty series through the Washington, D.C., post office which will go on sale here Dec. 13.



Photo caption: "Workmen from Mid-Continental Restoration Co. spruce up the facade of the Konantz Funeral Home, 15 W Wall St. The men are Frank Halsey and Joe Neden." -- Photo by Dale Wetzel

Photo caption: "Posing with books donated by the American Association of Retired Persons to the Fort Scott High School Library are Ava Webber, AARP president; Fred Campbell Jr., U-234 superintendent; and Monta Jo Saker, FSHS media specialist." -- Photo by John Beal

Fort Scott High School's football squad earned six first-team berths and picked up three honorable mention slots on the All-Southeast Kansas League -- Lower Division team. First- team includes Steve Arnold, Bryan Slavens, Joe Turtillott, Corky Lemmon, Luke Tholmason and Scott Wanasek. Honorable mention includes Karl Greenfield, Kevin Griner and Chris Banwart.