USD 234 board looks to continue merged summer school class
Although the 2008 summer school session was deemed successful by building administrators, there may be slight changes in store for future sessions.
Winfield Scott Elementary school principal Dave Elliott updated USD 234 Board members on the success of the summer school program through the district. According to Elliott, summer school was conducted at Fort Scott Middle School, from July 14-Aug. 8. At the same time, both Eugene Ware Elementary and Winfield Scott students came together at Winfield Scott to brush up on their academics. The decision to combine the summer school programs from both elementary schools was attributed to the heating, ventilating and air conditioning projects that were taking place at Eugene Ware. Since the combination of the two schools was such a success, Elliott recommended the joint summer school be continued next year.
The purpose of both the middle and elementary level summer school programs is to provide extended learning time in the areas of reading and mathematics, according to a written summer school report. However, Fort Scott High School's summer program, which was conducted from June 2-June 20, provided credit recovery in core subjects to high school students.
More than 70 students were present during the elementary summer school testing procedures and many of these students showed an increase in skills by the end of the summer session, according to the summer school report.
"Seventy-four students were present for both pre and post testing in reading, 77 were present for both testings in math," the report said. "A variety of pre post measures were used to be appropriate to student needs. In reading, 49 of 74 (students) made significant gain between pre and post testing ... In math, 66 of 77 made significant gain between pre and post testing ..."
At the middle school level, 36 students were present for at least half of the summer school session, resulting in the mastering of certain skills. Out of the 29 students who started the high school summer program, 18 received credit in core classes, according to the summer school report.
Also at the monthly meeting, the board reviewed the district's current enrollment count. After totaling the number of students from each school, it was determined the district has 35 more students enrolled than it had last year. However, USD 234 Superintendent Rick Werling explained to the board members the number is still preliminary as the official head count does not occur until later this month.
In employment matters,
* The board approved the employment of Zakariya Al-Shawish, high school assistant soccer coach; Theresa Buntain, middle school four-hour band teacher aide; Sabrina Brower, high school paraeducator; and Annette Miles, high school math and reading tutor.
* A change in contract from hourly to salary for Food Service Director Robin Button was approved.
* The board approved the resignations of Mandy Wright, high school dance team sponsor and Steve Elliott, high school soccer coach. In addition, the board approved the termination of Josh Vanderpool, high school paraeducator.
* The board also approved the additions of an assistant coach for high school debate and forensics and middle school and high school supplemental positions.
Also at the meeting, the board approved the following actions:
* The transferring of summer school cash balance to the at-risk fund to be used for remedial instruction.
* The paying of one-third the cost to make repairs to the HVAC unit in the new gymnasium at Buck Run Community Center.
* Payment to Saterlee Plumbing and to Joplin Roofing for construction work related to the HVAC upgrades at Eugene Ware, the Learning Center and the Board Office.
* Denied payment to Mid-America Roofing until completion of project.
* Approved the Local Education Agency application.