
Senior Swingers to have regular dance on Labor Day

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

We were glad to have such a good turn-out for the Monday Night Dance at Burck Run Community Center after the cancellation last Monday night.

Lots of dancers came in early to help put up the tables and chairs, and to help me get everything ready on the stage for our band. I have been "grounded" for some time with this nose bleed and finally got the plug out Monday and am breathing normally again.

We had good and bad news Monday night. Betty Carson was back again tonight and celebrated her birthday on August 8. We gave her a hand of welcome.

Danny Shinn from Bronson was a first time guest tonight. We gave him a hearty welcome. He will celebrate his birthday on Thursday, August 27. He dance quite a bit and I think he enjoyed the music.

A farewell card was signed for Clarence Nation. He called me last Wednesday, saying he is on oxygen most of the time and will not be able to come and play his horn in our band anymore. He is a good player and comes up with a lot of tunes that are good for dancing. We hope he will try and come back some time.

A get well card was signed for Violet and Bob Hull's son, who is sick and in the hospital at Pittsburg. We all wish him a speedy recovery.

A sympathy card was signed for Maxine Davidson, who lost her husband this past week in auto accident. She has been in the hospital in Kansas City, but is hoping to be out this week. He husband was in his fifties.

There will be a dance at Pittsburg, Tuesday night, at the Community Center.

Cadmus will have their usual dance, Friday night.

Everyone was wanting to know if we were going to have a dance Monday night, even though it is Labor Day. Everyone voted "a big yes", so we will have our regular dance, Monday night.