Falling rock forces post office access ramp to be blocked off

Local residents who usually access the Fort Scott Post Office by way of the handicapped accessible ramp on the north end of the building have been unable to do so for the last few weeks.
When administration at the local post office discovered large chunks of limestone had begun to fall off of the north east end of the post office building, they immediately closed the ramp, ensuring the safety of their customers, according to Fort Scott Post Office Postmaster Robert Vacca.
After closing the ramp, Vacca said the post office immediately followed the protocol set up for similar situations. Vacca said the Western Area Field Service Provider in Denver, Colo. was notified about the condition of the building. The Denver, Colo. office then notified the Kansas City, Kan. Field Maintenance Office, which after examining the situation decided to hire a local contractor to make the needed repairs.
Mid-Continental Restoration Company, Inc. will begin making repairs to the building in about two weeks, according to Mid-Continental Restoration Company Vice-President Matt Deloney. Once the repairs begin, Deloney said, they should be completed in about a week. The loose surface on the east side of the post office building will be removed, and the remaining stone will be patched, Deloney said. Next, the rest of the area will be inspected to insure there are no other loose surfaces that might cause problems.
For post office customers who are unable to climb the stairs at the post office, Vacca said, there are other options available for them that will allow them to receive services until the ramp is reopened. The local post office is equipped with another ramp, which is located on the south side of the building. Customers who wish to use this ramp only need to press a buzzer on the door located at the top of the ramp in order to gain entrance into the facility. Calling the post office ahead of time at (620) 223-1410 is another option for those who cannot negotiate the steps. Vacca said customers can call ahead of time to let the employees know they will need assistance once they arrive at the post office. An employee can meet the customer at the bottom of the steps to complete a transaction, if needed.
Customers can purchase stamps through the mail or by fax, Vacca said. Customers wishing to purchase stamps though the mail should call the post office and ask them to send an order form. In addition, stamps can also be purchased at the local grocery stores and on line.
Also, a variety of services can be accessed by using the United States Post Office Web site, www..usps.com.
Vacco said the local post office is committed to doing whatever it can in order to provide services to its customers until the ramp is reopened.
"If they (customers) don't feel like they can get in, they can just call ahead, and we will figure out how to help them," Vacca said.