Local cyclist heads down Rocky road

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Nevada resident Jennifer Hope takes a break from her 500-mile trek across Colorado for the 'Ride the Rockies' bicycle tour to pose for a picture in front of the majestic Rocky Mountains. -- Submitted Photo

By Mary Smith

Special to the Herald-Tribune

Road cyclists gathered in Colorado last month for the annual 'Ride the Rockies' bicycle tour.

Jennifer Hope, 25, Nevada, Mo., was one of the few solo team entrants on the tour. Hope, a board-certified massage and neuromuscular therapist and runs a practice in Nevada, carries an extensive cycling background since taking up the sport in 2001. She has ridden coast to coast twice and has pedaled through much of the United States.

Ride the Rockies traveled Northeast through the state on its nearly 500 mile route reaching elevations upward of 13,000 feet.

Riders from all over the globe gathered for the event, which also attracts Olympic hopefuls. A staff of approximately 150 people supports the Ride the Rockies cyclists during the tour. Riders are also accompanied by cycling medical personnel, ride officials, bicycle repair vans and Colorado State Patrol.

Hope finished out the tour on June 21, with a top downhill speed of 56 m.p.h. and a day six time of 4 hours, 47 minutes. Day six was calculated to be the toughest day of the tour with the last 20 miles of the 60-mile ascent ridden on a hard packed dirt road surrounded by snow.