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Bourbon County Fair coming soon, numerous activities
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's hard to believe that it's almost fair time. Dates for the Bourbon County Fair are July 20-26. A volunteer fair board of community members organizes the fair. The Extension office is involved with the 4-H activities of fair week. While 4-H exhibits are a large part of the fair, anyone may exhibit in open class.
There are open class categories for almost anything in which you have an interest from antiques to foods, crafts, photography, quilts, horticulture, and much more. Take your exhibits to the Myers Memorial Building on the north side of the fairgrounds Monday, July 21, 4 -- 8 p.m., where volunteers will help you get entered. Open class floriculture and pies may also be entered early Tuesday morning. Fair catalogs were distributed several weeks ago in the Fort Scott Tribune and are also available from the Extension office.
It's always more fun to be involved as a participant than a spectator, so plan to enter in this year's fair. It's exciting for youth and adults alike to see a ribbon on an exhibit they've entered.
Many events are planned for this year's fair -- judging, grandstand performances, activities for kids, and lots of 4-H events.
A bake sale of prize-winning open class baked goods will start at 11 a.m. on Tuesday of fair week in the Myers Building. Proceeds go to the Family and Community Education (FCE) Council for community service projects, including a college scholarship, book project for newborns, elementary essay and art contest on character traits, county fair prizes and educational programs. There will be lots of delicious breads, rolls, cookies, cakes, pies, and other baked goods for sale.
Speaking of food, home cooked meals and snacks are available Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. in the 4-H building. Breakfast burritos, taco salad, fried chicken dinners, and homemade pie are among the tasty offerings. Proceeds help fund 4-H activities in Bourbon County.
Free blood pressure checks and diabetes risk assessments will be offered to the public on Wednesday evening, 5-8 p.m. in the merchants building. Personnel from Mercy Health System will do the screenings. FCE members have organized the activity as a community service project.
The 4-H Fashion Revue will be Thursday, July 24, 5:30 p.m. at the Fort Scott Community College Round Room. Along with 4-H members modeling outfits they have sewn or purchased, several 4-H members will be performing talent numbers during the show. A special treat this year will be a presentation by Sara Simpson, former Crawford County 4-H member, who is turning a 4-H project into a career of designing theatrical costumes. She will share her experiences and will show some of the costumes she has created.
Plan also to attend the livestock judging events throughout fair week, nightly events at the grandstand, and the carnival.
For families interested in becoming involved in 4-H, the county fair is a good opportunity to see the variety of projects which are available. For more information about 4-H, contact the Extension office on the first floor of the courthouse or call (620) 223-3720.
The Extension office will be closed during fair week and will relocate to the fairgrounds. For fair related needs we can be reached at (620) 223-3455. Carry-out food orders from the 4-H concession stand can also be called to this number.
It's sure to be a fun-filled week at the Bourbon County Fair July 20-26. I hope to see you there.
Editor's Note: Ann Ludlum is a K-State Research and Extension family and consumer sciences and 4-H extension agent assigned to Bourbon County. She may be reached at (620) 223-3720 or aludlum@ksu.edu.