YAT unveils plans for major concert at Monday board meeting

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Fort Scott Community College President and Youth Activity Team Co-convener Clayton Tatro, unveils YAT's plan to organize a live country music concert and rodeo at the Bourbon County Fair Grounds. Tatro requested that the board allow the sales of alcoholic beverages at the event. -- Justin Messner/Tribune Photo

By Justin Messner

The Fort Scott Tribune

The plans for a large scale country music concert and rodeo were announced Monday night by Fort Scott's Youth Activity Team at the regular meeting of the Bourbon County Fair Board meeting as part of their plans to raise enough funding to build a $4 million park in Fort Scott.

YAT announced at the meeting that Fort Scott native -- currently first baseman for the Pittsburgh Pirates -- Adam Laroche has joined the Pennies for the Park team and wanted to help sponsor a concert/rodeo to include up and coming country music stars Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan.

The announcement was not without some minor controversy however. As part of the event, YAT officials were urged to get approval from the board to serve alcoholic beverages during the festivities. YAT Co-convener and Fort Scott Community College President Clayton Tatro spoke on behalf of the Activity Team, saying that this push to allow the sales of alcohol stems mostly from the type of event it will be.

"The reason we are here tonight is because, at this event they would like to serve alcohol," said Tatro. "What we're doing, we're still in the planning stages, but, what is very, very quickly becoming formalized, is that on October 25 we would like to host an event at the fair grounds in the arena stands ... to do a team roping competition and in connection with that have a country music concert where Jason Aldean and Luke Bryan would come in and do a concert. We are being presented this opportunity through Adam Laroche ... and we really believe this is an opportunity for us.

"Because of the type of event it is, the team roping and the country music concert, we are being strongly encouraged to consider alcohol sales. Such to the point, that if for whatever reason the fair board would decide not to do that, we're probably going to have to look for another venue."

During his presentation, Tatro said, that despite a massive show of support by the community during the most recent fundraiser in which YAT collected about $34,000 in an attempt to break a world record for the most pennies laid end to end, the total bill for Ellis Park is greatly higher.

"That (penny donations) is going to raise about $33,000 to $34,000 which is a wonderful start. It gets us going with some grants, it provides matching money, it gets enthusiasm, it gets publicity ... it doesn't even come close to the $4 million, $4.3 million that we think we're going to need to build the park.

"We have an opportunity to host an event in October that could literally raise up to a quarter-of-a-million dollars. And, to put that in perspective a quarter-of-a-million dollars would most likely build a miniature golf course and could also get us a good start at the batting cages. So, if that event goes well and the money comes in like it's supposed to, within six months to a year we could actually start seeing some of the renovations that we have been talking about at Ellis Park."

Two persons in attendance, who did not wish to have their names disclosed, voiced their concerns about alcohol being served at the event.

"I have a problem with that," said one of the objectors. "I know what you are trying to do, and I know to draw the crowd you probably have to do it. But, don't you have a problem with being in Youth Activity and selling beer. I know you're not going to be selling it to youths ... Hopefully. Hopefully no kids figure out how to get it. But, don't you have a problem with that?"

Fair Board Secretary Lynda Foster was quick to offer a rebuttal to these remarks as well as some understanding.

"The way I see it, we are not going to be hosting it per se," she said. "It's going to be held on the fairgrounds and it's not the fair so we won't have youth that we are working with or around so to me it's a little different circumstance. Not that I don't understand your point too. But, for me I guess I would have to that I am in favor of it -- if it is a one time thing -- because it is for the community."

Tatro assured the audience that the team was preparing for the event and intended to do what was necessary to ensure it is a safe event for all.

"We're getting very definite on the date," he said, "we know we've got local PD's (Fort Scott Police Department) help for security. We have also talked to the Shriners about doing the concessions. We believe the Shriners are probably the best organization suited for this type of sales.

"We're putting our name out on the line as well."

After discussion ended on the matter, the proposition passed by a 15-3 majority to allow alcohol sales at the event and allowing YAT to begin planning for the event with a designated location.

Information on Jason Aldean can be found at www.jasonaldean.com and information on Luke Bryan can be found at www.lukebryan.com.

Look for additional information regarding the concert and rodeo in future editions of The Tribune.