
Bronson Day, Memorial Day activities

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Bronson Ruritan club met at the community center, May 19, with a pot luck meal. Pres.. David Wilkins opened the meeting with the song "America" led by Julia Ann Rhoton and prayer by Geri Reeder. Seventeen members answered roll call. Project committees were called on, 7,000 pounds of paper were reported taken to the recycle center. Thanks to all who save papers for us, it helps on our projects and keeps them out of the landfill. Leroy Fuhrman donated a day freezer for the pop shack. Work hours were turned in and also tickets for Bronson Day drawing of $100, $50, and $25. Workers for games for Bronson day appointed also pop shack workers for ball games, the club adjourned with the flag salute.

Bronson Day was held May 24, and was well attended even with the rain. The American Legion Post No. 385 led the parade, Colwell and Hope Holeman were parade marshals, they were in the car driven by De Anna Holeman. Dinner was served by the Bronson Day Committee and music led by a young group, Nate Lemons, Garrett Knight, Jacob Casselman, Jesse Gererrero, Seth Cryspy on electric guitar, and a trumpet solo by Brooklyn Trollope. The Bronson library sold pie and pop. Because of the weather, the meal was served in the Methodist Annex. Many games for kids and adults were played and all were winners.

Float winners were: Topeka Independent Living, first, Bronson Methodist Church, second, and Bronson Ruritan Club, third. Melinda Henderson of Moran got first in the quilt show.

Thank you to all the local merchants for their gifts for the drawing. Winners of the money drawing were Glenna Shannon, Olathe, $100, Leroy Fuhrman, $50 and Brian Stewart, $25. The painting of the playground equipment was done by correctional inmates, they did a very nice job.

May 26 Memorial Service was held at the Bronson Cemetery. Martin Hendersen presided by giving a speech and placing flowers at the flag monument, giving tribute to fallen veterans. Chub Balling gave the prayer. It was an impressive sight to see all the American Legion Bikers come down the highway with American Flags flying to the cemetery for the Memorial Service. They stood at attention while the firing squad gave a salute and Rev. Bill La Porte played taps.

More attend these services every year to give honor to soldiers who have given their lives for this country. The Bronson Ruritan club placed flags on all veterans graves. Thanks to all who attended these events.

-- Submitted by Geri Reeder