Multitasking leads to disaster, funny story to share
I would like to tell you a story that happened last week, at the time it didn't seem so humorous, but now, looking back it is pretty hilarious. Bob had asked for egg salad sandwiches for lunch, so I dutifully put on a pan of eggs to boil, eight to be exact. My computer is in the kitchen, so thought I would check my email and work at my computer 'til the eggs came to a boil, then I would turn it down and set my timer. Sounds good huh? I would like to say here that many years ago I lost my 'smeller', all I have is my 'taste', which consists of sweet, sour and salt. I can tell if I am eating something sweet, like a good old chocolate bar, or sour, like a dill pickle, or salt. Everything else is smell. I can't smell a skunk, perfume, cigarettes, you name it I can't smell anything. Sometimes that is good and sometimes it is very bad. Now back to my story. Once I get on my computer, I seem to lose track of time and forget about everything else. After a short while, I thought I heard some kind of water, (forgetting my eggs completely) I thought it was our ice maker, which as you know makes a strange sound occasionally.
I continued at my computer, oblivious to everything else, when after a while longer, I thought I heard what sounded like the crack of a rifle. I looked over towards the stove and at that very moment an egg exploded. It was like a missile had been shot out of a canon, and sailed through the air in a zillion pieces.
I was almost mesmerized as I watched three more explode and sail all over the kitchen. I jumped from my computer and raced towards the stove. I use the term 'raced' very loosely, in my advancing years, it was more like a slow trot. Anyhow, as I arrived at the stove, another exploded and whizzed right by my head splattering all over me as it zoomed by. I turned off the burner, grabbed a hot pad holder and jerked the pan off of the stove, just in time to get hit again. All in all six out of the eight exploded.
The pan was absolutely dry as a bone and once the eggs reached a certain temperature, they literally exploded and my kitchen and I looked like a bomb had hit, an egg bomb that is. The stove was covered, the counter tops, the exhaust fan, the walls, the floor, not a pretty picture.
It took me twenty five minutes to get the worst of it cleaned up, about that time, Bob came in for lunch and said, "Wow what is that awful smell?, It smells like rotten eggs" to which I replied, "What smell?" Needless to say we didn't have egg salad sandwiches for lunch...