Sports Notebook

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dragoon Charge slated for June 7

The 27th annual Dragoon Charge 5K walk or run will take place at 8 a.m. June 7 starting from Frary Field. There will be six age divisions for male and female competitors. Sign-up fees are $10 in advance or $15 after June 4.

For more information, contact Buck Run Community Center at (620) 223-0386 or stop by at 735 Scott Ave.

Dave Regan tourney set for June 7

The fifth annual Dave Regan Men's Softball Tournament will be held June 7 at the diamonds at the Betty Ruth Willard Complex and at Ellis Park. The tournament format is contingent on the number of teams and will be played under USSSA rules. Awards will go to the top three teams.

The entry fee is $100 per team, which will benefit the Dave Regan "Tiger Tough" Memorial Scholarship fund. The fee must be paid by June 2 or the team will not be placed in the bracket.

For more information, contact Ken Tourtillott at (620) 223-2768 in the evenings or Tom Robertson at 223-0386 (day) or 768-0045 (evenings). Information or enrollment forms can also be found at Buck Run Community Center, 735 Scott Ave.