Bronson Days opens May 24 with new "What's Your Talent?" theme
BRONSON -- A long-standing
Bronson tradition will continue next
month with the arrival of the 36th
Annual Bronson Day event.
The annual celebration, which is
sponsored and organized by several
groups and organizations in the
Bronson area, is scheduled to take
place Saturday, May 24, at different
locations in town. Events are slated
to begin at 9:30 a.m. that day and
continue through much of the afternoon.
The theme for this year's celebration
is "What's Your Talent?"
A quilt show and contest scheduled
to take place from 9:30 a.m. to
noon at Bronson City Hall will kick
off the day's activities. Each quilt
entered will receive $1, while the
quilt that is considered the Best in
Show will receive a $15 prize, a
statement from organizers said.
Weather permitting, a number of
various organizations have planned
several outdoor games and activities
for children and adults. Cash prizes
will be awarded to the winners of a
horseshoe pitch contest that is
scheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. A
baby contest, sponsored by the City
of Bronson, is also scheduled to
take place at 9:30 a.m.
Those people who are interested
in participating in the horseshoe
pitch contest may contact Terry
Johnston at (620) 939-4993 for
more information.
A parade led by Grand Marshals
and Bronson residents Colwell and
Hope Holeman is scheduled to
begin at 11 a.m. The cost to enter
the parade is $15 for each float; $15
for each antique car; $10 for each
antique tractor; and $1 for each decorated
bicycle. Cash prizes will be
awarded to the top parade entries in
each category. Each child who
enters the parade will receive 50
A barbecue dinner is scheduled
to take place at noon. Tickets for the
dinner will cost $4.50 for adults,
and $2.50 for children. Desserts and
beverages sold by the Bronson
Library will also be available.
A cake walk is scheduled to
begin at 1 p.m. at the tennis courts,
followed by a variety of kid's games
that are scheduled to begin at 1:30
p.m. Games and activities that are
currently planned include foot
races, a fish pond, a free throw
shoot, limbo, a ring toss, a face
painting booth, and an egg toss.
At 2 p.m., a men's and women's
potato peeling contest is planned,
followed by a men's and women's
nail driving contest at 2:15 p.m. A
drawing sponsored by the Bronson
Ruritan and local merchants will
take place at 2:30 p.m. A three-onthree
basketball tournament is
scheduled to occur immediately following
the drawing. For more information
about participating in the
tournament, contact Serena McAnulty
at 939-4405.
The Bronson Day celebration is
sponsored by the Bronson Ruritan
Club, the Bronson Day Committee,
the Lunch Bunch, the O.E.S. Culture,
and the Helpful Neighbor
Clubs. For more information on any
of the scheduled Bronson Day
events, call Bronson Ruritan members
David Wilkins at 939-4717, or
Lori Stang at 939-4969.