Plans for Community Breakfast will be May 1

Friday, April 25, 2008

The Fort Scott Pioneer Kiwanis Club has announced plans for this year's Community Prayer Breakfast that will be held May 1 at the Fort Scott Community College cafeteria, 2108 S. Horton St.

The breakfast is held in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer. The event is sponsored by the Pioneer Kiwanis Club, the Fort Scott Chamber of Commerce and the Ministerial Alliance. Everyone is cordially invited to attend the breakfast.

The National Day of Prayer, first initiated by President Harry S. Truman and established by Congress in 1952, has continued throughout the years as a day when people can assemble together to pray for our country and its leaders.

The event will begin at 7:30 a.m. with piano selections from Pat Harry. The breakfast buffet will be open at that time until all are served. Special thanks go to Jerry and Judy Witt, who will again provide the food for the breakfast. Their generosity and support every year is greatly appreciated. Great Western Dining will prepare the food.

Marilyn Landers, Spiritual Aims Committee Chairperson, will welcome the community and introduce Rev. Scott Moore, who will give the opening prayer. Following the prayer, Marilyn will lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Presentation of the colors will follow by the Fort Scott Historical Society Color Guard. The Fort Scott High School Select Ensemble, under the direction of Pat Harry, will then perform for the group.

The featured speaker this year will be Bob Goltra, Steadley Elementary School Principal from Carthage R-9 Schools. The theme of this year's breakfast will be, "Prayer -- America's Strength and Shield."

The breakfast will close at 8:30 a.m. with the Rev. Moore giving the closing prayer. Robert Nelson will then lead the group in singing, "May God Be With You Til We Meet Again."

-- Submitted by Pat Kutey