College votes not to renew AG professor's contract

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Fort Scott Community College Board of Trustees voted unanimously on Monday to not renew the contract of non-tenured FSCC instructor Ed Sutton.

Two of Sutton's former students, William Dodson and James Crodeaux, were present at the FSCC Board of Trustees meeting to voice their support for Sutton, a former USD 235 Board of Education member who was most recently an instructor in the FSCC livestock judging program. Sutton was not present at the meeting and was unavailable for comment as of press time.

Dodson told trustees that Sutton helped him make the decision to enroll at FSCC, and also helped him through his college career. Dodson said at the meeting that he had in his possession a petition signed by 60 people in support of keeping Sutton on the payroll at FSCC, and that he hoped trustees would consider it when voting on Sutton's contract.

"Please...please don't deprive us of his skills and knowledge," Dodson said in his message to trustees.

Crodeaux, who said he hadn't attended school since the age of 10 before his decision to attend FSCC, echoed Dodson's sentiments, adding that Sutton helped him with various classes in the agriculture program.

According to Kansas law, all new K-12 and community college instructors must serve a probationary period of three years, FSCC President Clayton Tatro said. FSCC administrators must let all non-tenured faculty know by May 1 of their decision not to issue the teacher a new contract. Faculty are given a one-year contract for each year they work at the college for the first three years of their employment. They are offered a continuing contract after three years, at which point the instructor becomes tenured, Tatro said.

Tatro said he could not comment further on the board's decision to not renew Sutton's contract because it is a personnel matter that can only be discussed in closed session.

Trustees also conducted the following business on Monday:

* Heard a report on spring sports at FSCC from head rodeo coach Chad Cross, head women's basketball coach Stasha Richards, and men's basketball coach John Burns.

* Heard a report on the recent formation of an assessment team at FSCC, which consists of various FSCC instructors and administrators, who meet regularly to assess programs at the college and how they affect students academically.

* Heard a construction update on the $7.7 million Danny and Willa Ellis Family Fine Arts Center that is being constructed on the main FSCC campus. Construction on the exterior of the 33,000-square-foot building has already begun, as well as duct work, electrical work, and the pouring of concrete, officials said.

* Approved the February treasurer's report, which showed a $3.6 million starting cash balance, $2.3 million in expenses, $2.3 million in revenue, and a $3.6 million ending cash balance.

* Accepted the resignations of FSCC Student Support Services Director Damon Fairchild, Athletic Director Bob Marshall, Environmental Technology Director Lee Ferdinand, and business instructor Douglas Hurd. Trustees also hired Dwayne Hale as a industry coordinator for the Harley-Davidson Technician Training Program, Bart Yoder as a security officer, Eddie Brown as an assistant football coach, Tracy Springer as a biology instructor, Aaron Dobbins as an assistant football coach, and Jannell Robinson as an instructor in the drama and theatre program.

* Voted unanimously to renew Tatro's employment for a three-year period. Tatro has served in his current position since last June, and the board voted to extend his contract an additional three years.

* Scheduled a work session with the Academic Quality Improvement Program Accreditation Site Visit Team for 2 p.m. Wednesday in the FSCC Heritage Room, 2108 S. Horton St.

Trustees heard other various reports and later adjourned.