
Dollar store trip leads to fun, laughter

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lines from Ironquill by Marilyn Miller

Little did I know this was going to be such a fun day filled with laughter. I decided to go into Wisconsin Rapids and do some shopping at the Dollar Store.

When I arrived, I could see there were quite a few shoppers. It's always fun to go there, because I never know what good bargains they will have. It is always something different and items that I just can't live without. Today was no different, there were bargains galore. I began wheeling my cart up and down the aisles, and it began to fill with all those "things" that I just couldn't live without. A can of absolutely delicious looking cappuccino, which I dearly love; different kinds of herbs and spices, some strange sounding kinds of Oriental tea. I love brewing a pot of tea on a cold winter day. As I was strolling up and down the aisles, I noticed a man (definitely a senior citizen) who didn't seem to be following me, but every time I came up a different aisle, he was there. After a short bit, I became quite suspicious that he just might be following me. After several more aisles, sure enough he was. He suddenly came up to me and said "Hello, please don't think me forward or trying to pick you up, or anything like that, and I don't mean to be rude, but I just love the perfume that you are wearing, it really smells great." Well....you could have knocked me over with a feather. He then asked "What kind of perfume are you wearing?" Without even thinking I blurted out "It is Ispahan by Yves Rocher." "Well, he said, I am going to tell my wife about it," and he walked off. Yeah, sure you are, I thought to myself. Finally I finished my shopping and headed up to the counter to check out, when who should be checking out but "Mr. Perfume Man" with his wife. Without hesitation he turned to his wife and said "There's the lady I was telling you about that is wearing the perfume that I like so much." The young clerk who was checking them out turned to me and said "If that was my husband, I would really be mad". His wife looked at the "young thing" and said, "Honey, how long you all been married?" "Oh, about six months," she replied. The lady looked at her and said "You are hardly dry behind the ears; your marriage has just begun. After 52 years of marriage, I'm just happy he can still smell, if that's all he wants to do, I say, more power to him." As she and her husband walked out the door, she turned and waved goodbye and gave me a big wink. I can tell you this, it really made my day. In fact, I laughed all the way home. I never know what twists and turns my day will take, but this certainly was one fun-filled day. Another day I was in Arby's restaurant in Marshfield having lunch, when I noticed a man (another senior citizen) sitting in the booth in front of me, who turned around and said "Excuse me, but your perfume sure smells good, what kind is it?" That day I was wearing Red Door and I told him and he said "I sure do like it," he then turned around and never said another word.

When I got home, I said to Bob, "How do you like my perfume today?" He looked at me very suspiciously and said, "Is this a trick question?" I guess I can't win them all.