Bourbon County Junior Leaders
Bourbon County Junior Leaders
The March 26 meeting of the Bourbon County Junior Leaders was held at 7:45 p.m. in the 4--H Building. President Elizabeth Meech led the meeting. Fifteen members answered roll call by stating their first and middle name. Taylor Bailey filled in as secretary. Shannon Heckman gave the treasurer's report; Caitlin Jackson presented the reporter's report.
Diana Mitchell, from the Youth Activities Team, spoke on a way to help fund park development by donating pennies as part of the July 7-11 attempt to beat the Guinness World Record. Junior leaders were encouraged to participate either directly or through their clubs and schools.
Under Old Business, the T-shirts will cost $12 each. Half of the shirt cost is to be paid by each junior leader who receives one. One-Day Camp has been scheduled for June 20. Updates were given on each activity.
For New Business, members suggested having an obstacle course during the water fight activities for the fair in July. A committee was formed. Members will try to hold the swimming party on Sunday after the fair. Junior leaders are needed to help with summer cooking classes in Fort Scott, Uniontown, and Bronson. They can sign up in the Extension Office. Also, applications for Fair Queen are in the Extension Office if anyone is interested.
The Fundraising Committee and other junior leaders helped with the bake sale and the breakfast on April 12 during the Citywide Garage Sale. Members worked from 6:30-7:30 on Friday evening to set up and from 6:30-11 for actual sales on that Saturday.
The next meeting will be held April 23 at 7 p.m. in the 4--H Building.
-- Submitted by Caitlin Jackson, reporter