Military CAC IDs available in SE Kansas

Friday, April 11, 2008

Military members from all branches of service, their dependents and military retirees in southeast Kansas who are in need of Identification Common Access Cards will be afforded an opportunity to obtain one without the need to travel to Topeka, Leavenworth or Wichita.

Common Access Cards are the official identification cards issued by the U.S. Department of Defense to active duty military personnel, reserve personnel, civilian employees and eligible contractor personnel, eligible military dependents and retirees. CAC cards are required for access to Department of Defense computers and networks, entrance to certain military facilities and for identification purposes to receive military benefits.

The 891st Engineer Battalion, Kansas National Guard, headquartered in Iola, is currently in possession of a machine to produce the ID cards and will betaking it "on the road" during April, visiting armories in four communities.

The CAC machine will be at the Coffeyville armory, 2669 Perl Schmidt Drive (at the Industrial Park), through April 12. From Coffeyville it will go to the Pittsburg armory, 1506 N. Walnut, April 14 and 15 and then to the Winfield armory, 407 Harter St., April 16 and 17. Hours of availability are from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at each armory.

To set up an appointment, call Sgt. Don Thompson (Iola) (620) 365-4030; Staff Sgt. Frankie Hull (Coffeyville) (620) 251-6641; Sgt. Bruce Curry (Pittsburg) (620) 231-1320; or Staff Sgt. Gary Harp (Winfield) (620) 221-0345. For other information, call Staff Sgt. Jason Lane (620) 365-40334 or Sgt. Donald Thompson (620) 365-4035.